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Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump Announces Executive Orders Planned For DAY ONE- Liberals In MELTDOWN Mode

Donald Trump is coming to the White House in no time at all. Tomorrow is the big day. And he is ready to start as soon as the inauguration takes place.

According to Conservative Tribune:

Soon after Donald J. Trump takes the oath of office this Friday, he’s going to act quickly to eliminate wide swaths of President Barack Obama’s legacy.

And it’s all going to begin with his pen and his phone.

According to Reuters, Trump spokesman and incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer announced Wednesday that Trump would be signing a series of executive actions on his first day in the Oval Office.

“He’s got a few of them probably in the area of four or five that we’re looking at for Friday,” Spicer said during a news briefing on Wednesday. “Then there are some other ones that I expect him to sign with respect to a couple of issues that have been high on his priority list.”


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