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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Trial over fix for segregation at Maryland colleges begins

BALTIMORE (AP) — A trial to determine the best way to cure inequality among Maryland’s colleges and universities is underway in federal court in Baltimore.

The decade-old case being heard Monday involves a coalition representing the state’s four historically black colleges that says the state has underfunded the institutions while developing programs at traditionally white schools that directly compete with and drain prospective students away from the African-American schools.

The trial will determine a remedy.

The judge in 2013 recommended mediation after finding the state had maintained “a dual and segregated education system,” and that its practices were in violation of the Constitution. The judge agreed with the coalition that the state allowed traditionally white schools to replicate those of historically black institutions, thus undermining the African-American schools’ success.



  1. Blacks say they want equality and they had the civil rights movement to eliminate segregation yet they voluntarily segregate themselvs in so called traditional black colleges then they complain they aren't being treated equally. They don't want equality what thay want is preferential treatment.

    1. HBCUs exist because blacks weren't permitted to attend other universities. There is no segregation at HBCUs but of course most people in these comments wouldn't know this. All is being ask for is equal funding across the board for all institutions

  2. Pretty easy fix for this here..

    Merge UMES and SU into one unit with one administration.

  3. Stu Stinchfield said...
    Blacks say they want equality and they had the civil rights movement to eliminate segregation yet they voluntarily segregate themselvs in so called traditional black colleges then they complain they aren't being treated equally. They don't want equality what thay want is preferential treatment.

    January 10, 2017 at 2:53 PM


  4. There should not be black colleges. That is racist.

  5. there should be no race mixing, blacks only wanted desegregation because they were given sh*t and whites were given sugar and called that equality. whites advocated desegregation only after they realized it was only helping blacks build for themselves.

  6. Trying to fix the unfixable means lots of spent money and NOTHING fixed!!

  7. does equality = given a spot even though you don't have the skills, scores, background, grades, money to pay for it, etc? what a joke! How many of these so called schools actually graduate the kids with a degree in something relevant? I want to now since we are paying for it?


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