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Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Most Important Civil Rights Issue Trump Could Solve With Executive Order: End The "War On Drugs"

Here is an opportunity for "Black Lives Matter" and the Trump administration to find common cause.

President Trump has a golden opportunity to strike a major blow for civil rights with a single executive order: end the failed "War on Drugs" and shut down America's drug-war gulag. None of the previous three presidents expended any political capital on curbing the immensely destructive "War on Drugs" or freeing the (in many states, preponderantly African-American and Hispanic-American) prisoners in America's drug-war gulag.

"Fake-liberal" Bill Clinton did nothing, "fake-conservative" George W. Bush did nothing, and "fake-liberal" Barack Obama did nothing to end the "War on Drugs" or curb the gulag it created. Their parties and supporters were delighted to appear "tough on crime" while destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of African-American, Hispanic-American and other Americans with long sentences in the gulag for selling nickel bags of "illegal" drugs, while America's parasitic Big Pharma industry reaped billions of dollars in profits selling "legal" opiates while handing our self-serving politicos millions in campaign contributions.

The imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of young Americans--preponderantly Americans of color in state after state-- in America's drug-war gulag is the greatest violation of civil rights since the 1960s-- yet fake-liberals and fake-conservatives alike have done nothing but turn their self-serving gaze away from this needless, costly, stupid waste of lives and treasure.



  1. Please do. We are wasting our time.


  2. By all means let the druggies go free. They can buy their legal drugs with what they save from their jobs. They won't be a danger to anyone. /sarc

    Let's get real. Some are imprisoned just for usage; most for multiple arrests, theft to support their habit, or violence connected with their habit.

    Since many/most don't have a means of funding their habit without preying on the innocent how do you propose to connect those dots?

  3. I agree. Just execute every drug dealer on the spot and rid America of these killers of our children. Jet's learn from the Phillipines. As for drug users, jail time should clean 'em up bit!! Sure beats ODing.


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