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Monday, January 23, 2017

SPD Press Release - (Weekly Shoplifting Arrests) 1-23-17


  1. That's not clay it's Claire or Clarey him his dad uncles cousins ALL WORTHLESS !!! Citizen of Mardela springs ....

  2. His name is Russell Clary and you are absolutely correct. He stole from my house one time and I filed a police report but have never recovered the stolen goods. He is heavy into drugs from what I was told by the officer who took my report.

  3. Looks like Katie Reusing something alright!

  4. Looks like a shoplifting team, those two, which brings along a conspiracy to commit theft charge.

  5. Pretty woman, even with the bones for classically beautiful, until you get to the chest tattoo, that is.

  6. Russell is much older fatter and definitely not that guy! He had kids this kids age. And they may have been rowdy back in the day I can guarantee you that they have been changed and try to live a good life the best that they can. Now remind you that no man is perfect and I do believe that the only reason that you feel this way it's because then Clary boys have probably worked up on you before only people that talk about them boys like that or people who had their feelings hurt usually physically. They're a tight-knit family that love each other very well and again they try to live life accordingly the best as any man. Only problem with them is they have people like you Schmucks you just can't give a guy a fair Shake in life. Them boys have paid all their debts to society in full and deserve they same respect you would give any other man.

  7. good to see babs anbd spd are on top of it! without the shoplifters they wouldn't have anything to do other then hand out speeding tickets!


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