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Saturday, January 07, 2017

Snow Plows Have Been Called In For Wicomico County

I just received word that Wicomico County has called in all of their snow removal staff. They are preparing to salt the roads at this time. 


  1. the city needs to get off their behinds and start plowing.
    always a failure when they wait until the situation is beyond control and putting their citizens at risk

  2. It's no need to plow with it still snowing. Common sense people

  3. 9:36 AM - Oh my gosh are you really that stupid?
    Is that why the state is already plowing route 50?

    Is that because ambulances can drive thru 12" of snow?
    Is that because everyone owns a 4 wheel drive?
    It that because fire trucks never get stuck?

    city worker?
    thank you for validating my point.

  4. I'll try this again ! Not seen a damn thing in Walston / Parsonsburg area !!!

    P.S. 9:36 - You're an IDIOT !!!


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