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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

SAVE THE DATE: Muskrat Or Oyster Dinner

21045 Nanticoke Rd PO Box 85
Bivalve, Maryland


  1. Muskrat OR oyster? Why not Muskrat AND oyster!

  2. How about no rats! Never tasted one, so I can't really have a say, but what do they taste like? Not chicken, I'm sure! Squirrels, maybe?

  3. hope they use two different pots

  4. What a beautiful week. Blabberin' Barry is gone, Trump is in, Libbies are crawling back into their holes, and now I can eat muskrat or oysters! Can it get any better? Other than Pelosi getting sent on a one way ticket to Uranus, I think not!

  5. Oh my GOD!!!
    Westside VFD does a fantastic job on cooking muskrats!!!
    Don't even try to compare it to chicken...
    A dark delicious low fat meat seasoned with sage!!!
    You will get a headache when your lower lip slaps you in the forehead eating this eastern shore delicacy!!! :)

    I have it on my calendar and will be there for at least 3 dinners!!!!

    Maybe I should not post this as I do not want them sold out before I get there!!!!! :)

  6. To me, muskrat taste like spicy roast beef, delicious!

  7. You would have to be crazy to eat any of that s**t when there is actually food available. Do you know what oysters feed on? A biologist friend of mine recommended never eating oysters. Who the hell would eat a stinking rat???

  8. I guess I'll have to try it sometime. Thanks, 8:27.

  9. What "greens"? Spinach or the other stuff?

    1. I always thought greens were kale or collards....the good stuff.

  10. That is absolutely disgusting. Never in my life had I heard of someone eating muskrat until I moved to Salisbury. 🤢

  11. 7:41 Please go back to where ever you came from.


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