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Monday, January 23, 2017

Road hazzard on bypass

On my way to work this morning at aprox. 6:45, I was behind a Pepsi truck on the bypass. Right as we moved to the right hand lane to connect with 50 East, one of the drivers hand trucks came off from the back and bounced around on the road. It landed on the far right and not out in the middle. It is right at the beginning of the off ramp where the yield section begins on the bypass. If someone were to go too far right, it could cause a serious accident. Please warn any readers if you can.


  1. In far less time than it took you to post this you could have stopped and moved it. Guess you were returning from the women's march

  2. There was no where to pull over because of the construction. Only 1 lane at the curve. The closest place that I could have pulled over would have been on Rt.50 and walked back in the dark. Since you must have attended the stupid women's march, why don't you go out there and move it yourself.

  3. So just how is a driver on the bypass under construction supposed to read a blog warning of a road hazard? Reading a blog on a cell phone while driving is more dangerous than the handcart that is off the traveled potion of the highway.

  4. call 911 and let mikey get his new harley out for a ride to move it or is he still looking for a station to interview him in DC?

  5. You should have given enough room. 1 second for every 10 mile per hour and double that in bad weather.

  6. Mike's on his way I saw him in the sidecar of the Harley with a riding crop.

  7. Why not call Pepsi?


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