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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ringling Bros. circus plans to shut down 'Greatest Show on Earth' after 146 years

ELLENTON, Fla. – After 146 years, the curtain is coming down on "The Greatest Show on Earth." The owner of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus told The Associated Press that the show will close forever in May.

The iconic American spectacle was felled by a variety of factors, company executives say. Declining attendance combined with high operating costs, along with changing public tastes and prolonged battles with animal rights groups all contributed to its demise.

"There isn't any one thing," said Kenneth Feld, chairman and CEO of Feld Entertainment. "This has been a very difficult decision for me and for the entire family."

The company broke the news to circus employees Saturday night after shows in Orlando and Miami.



  1. You can thank the Ahole liberals at PETA.

  2. Thanks PETA. First, sea world, now Ringling Brothers. What's next, Saturday morning cartoons?

  3. Went a couple of times as a child and I loved it!! True peta and the liberals didn't try to workbwoth the circus..they did the same thing to seaworld..ruining places that encouraged people's dreams to work with animals and study animals. It sad and it really enraged me. Most of these idiots would serve themselves on a platter to feed a dam tiger...stupid.

  4. About damn time. These venues torture animals.

    1. your liberal thoughts torture america thank god Trump will end thsi BS.

    2. Must be lonley being a liberal pos.

  5. If you want to destroy a country your destroy it's traditions.

  6. It was never the same after the elephants were gone from the circus. I agree with the above commenters, PETA had a huge part in this.

  7. oh boo hoo, blame people who do not want to pay to see animals abused for shutting down an animal abuse industry.

    Anyone who pays to see animal abuse is one sick %&#. That means you 8:50 & 9:09.

    We can't wait to shut down those idiotic redneck animal abusing rodeos next!

    If they can't make money without abusing animals they have bigger problems. They are just using that as an excuse for their antiquated "entertainment", evolving societies and poor economy.

    I wonder if anyone cried after they stopped the "entertainment" of forcing horses to jump off stories high platforms in to a shallow pool of water, often to their death.

    It's ok, we know you are from Smallsbury and have few brain cells. We sadly try to excuse your ignorance.

  8. 9:19 AM You really that stupid? The whale killed 3 people. And you blame PETA? Apparently someone had to step in and say "enough"

    1. If the whale had problems they should have retired it..how many years has sea world operated and without issue..it's just like a bad bred dog..you have dozens of good ones but sometimes the animal isnt meant for the job it was tasked to do..many other animals are ok with t and enjoy it. Rescue dogs love thier work.horses love to race..but not one's that aren't suited for it.

  9. @9:25 if they were torturing animals then the circus WOULDN'T HAVE WON THE LAWSUIT AGAINST PETA, AND THE HUMANE SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!

  10. 9:56 AM,
    Ah but alas, the majority of the public still did not want to see animal abuse did they!

    And actually, that was not what the lawsuit was about that Feld Entertainment won. Nice try but get your facts straight before you go blurting out nonsense.

  11. Apparently, the people on here saying how great the circus is were not supporting the circus by purchasing tickets and going to the shows. They shut down because of declining attendance. Sounds like most people did not want to pay to see what they were selling.

    1. When u think of circus you think elephants, animal shows clowns and acrobats..how can u take away what the circus was founded on..146 years and some ugly sad cat ladies shut it down.

  12. @10:44 the lawsuit was for "taking" ie HARMING, HARASSING, and WOUNDING endagered elephants. Sounds like ANIMAL ABUSE to me! Look it up and educate yourself!

  13. 925, 953, 955, 1044, 1119. You certainly make a lot of noise for offering little more than your own narrow opinion, drama, and -0- facts yourself. Do you own a pet? If you do, by your logic you yourself are an animal abuser. If you don't, then you don't have the experience with animals to give you any credibility.

  14. I HATE liberal dirtbags

  15. 12:54 PM No that was not what the lawsuit was about.

  16. 1:10 PM You, being so ridiculous is a hoot. Thanks for the laughs.

    Most "pets" are not tied down or smacked with clubs to train them to do unnatural tricks.

    There is a huge difference between domesticated animals and wild animals forced into an unnatural life and tortured.

    Sorry you are so ignorant as to not know the difference.

  17. 1:59 PM I am sure they hate you too.

  18. 3:04 PM
    Well, if sea world actually did their job "the whale" would have been retired after the first kill.

    30 years and 3 kills later, someone needed to step in.
    Its profit over anything with sea world.
    3 people died so that they could continue to profit by forcing whales into unnatural lifestyles and habitats.

    It needs to end.

    How about we lock you in a cage for the rest of your life so that people can stare at you. We can put you in prison for life, just for existing. Sound good? Because that is what you are doing to animals.

  19. 254 you have too much time on your hands. I have to work for a living to pay for you to sit home, draw benefits, and whine. What a sad existence you live, never mind the animals.


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