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Friday, January 06, 2017

Report finds improvements in Chesapeake Bay’s overall health

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Water clarity in the Chesapeake Bay is the best it’s been in decades, and native rockfish, oyster and blue crab populations are rebounding as the overall health of the nation’s largest estuary improves, a report released Thursday found.

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s biennial State of the Bay report gave the estuary a C-minus grade, an improvement from a D-plus two years ago and the highest score issued since the inception of the report in 1998.

Still, the report notes that the bay — an economic driver that supports fishing, farming, shipping and tourism — remains “a system dangerously out of balance, a system in crisis,” and says progress has been uneven across the region. The Chesapeake Bay watershed spans 64,000 square miles in parts of Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

“The bay is getting better,” foundation President William Baker said in a conference call with reporters. “This is good news, but the recovery is fragile. There’s a long way left to go.”



  1. Donald Trump did that. But it coulda been Bush's fault...

  2. Yep, thank you Jim Ireton. You said you would clean it up.

  3. Wake Up!!!, people. The CBF is just another bogus, out for themselves, special interest. They will never give the bay a rating above a "D" or "C". For if they do ever say the bay is in the "A" or "B" range then their organization has lost its cause and the money gravy train is gone. Without the money train the CBF fatcats will not be able to enjoy those cozy bay "getaway" lodges that all of you supporters have allowed them to enjoy.

    Is the bay perfect? Of course not. But, even if it was John Smith pristine, the CBF will never admit it.

  4. 100% on that 7:20


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