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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Rep. Cummings to federal employees: Call me

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is encouraging federal employees to reach out to Congress if they are alarmed by the Trump administration's policies.

"I want to make sure all of those federal employees who have anything they want to say to Congress, because there is some confusion as to whether they can talk to us, I'm telling you the law protects you and I will do every single thing in my power to make sure you're protected," the Maryland Democrat said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Wednesday. "Call me. I want to talk to you."



  1. Another politician who has done nothing for his district....Yet he wants to help Federal employeed... Better go spend time with the other idiot down south.....Less talk more action!

  2. Screw that demoturd. Worry about you sorry pitful district. The arsehole of MD! fix that then ill be impressed. Otherwise shut your pie hole. Hopefully your district will wake up and vote your sorry ass to the trash heap of history

  3. The amount of spending and made up buddy positions is out of control. The very position Elijah crooked racist holds in the committee was created to stop this. Instead he hired his buddies and they get paid to stay home..no honest worker in calling him.

  4. Well most of his district is mainly sprawled out in Howard and Baltimore Counties.... Three Congressional Districts cut up Baltimore due to gerrymandering

  5. Fix your own home first. Liberal Fake News.

  6. "Top Democrat", is that the cream of the crop. This nut job should not represent anyone, but will stay in office because he rules over loud mouths like himself. Take this nut and the Lewis clown, and the list goes on. And we wonder why things are screwed up...sad.

  7. No I will NOT call you, lemming!

  8. Racist, muckraking poser.

  9. He's at the heart of the BLM movement out of Baltimore. I find him disgusting, but Baltimorons love him.

  10. He needs some Oversight and Reform for Himself !!

  11. He never made an attempt to help MD State workers when his DumbocRAT Politian buddies in MD froze positions / hiring / pay raises and forced furlough days / work reduction days on us. This tells you he is as 2 faced as they come, since there are / were a lot in his district that is / was effected. Then again they are dumb enough to keep voting him in.

  12. Of course it goes without saying that he means only black employees.


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