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Thursday, January 19, 2017

'Queer Dance Party' in front of Mike Pence's house last night

A few hundred people gathered outside Vice President-elect Mike Pence's temporary house in Chevy Chase, Md., on Wednesday evening for a "Queer Dance Party," as it was deemed by organizers.

Groups WERK for Peace and DisruptJ20 created the event to say "homophobia and transphobia is wrong and should be resisted," according to Firas Nasr, founder of the first group.

Initially a group of a dozen people met at the Friendship Heights Metro Station, which is located on the border of Washington, D.C., and Maryland. The demonstrators then marched down Western Avenue to Tennyson Street NW, toward Pence's house. The incoming vice president will be moved into his United States Naval Observatory residence later this week.



  1. It's sad that America has come to this. To be so disrespectful. Why is it that as a conservative Christian, Mr. Pence is constantly accosted for his beliefs? I would like to point out that in a Muslim country you could be stoned to death for being LGBT. Yet in today's America if you are Muslim we go out of our way to make sure you can practice your religion. We must keep "religion" out of schools, but let us not ask a Muslim student to remove their hijab. If a group of Christians were to perform any type of protest in front of an LGTB members home, they would be crushed as not understanding and evil people. Yet when the shoe is on the other foot, it is seen as perfectly acceptable. The double standard is so ridiculous, yet the "tolerant" side is the most intolerant bunch.

  2. I saw one of these protestors on TV this morning. Forgive me, Joe, I don't have access to a computer first thing in the morning. Anyway, he said "Mike Pence is going to take away our right to marry!" What an idiot! The VP has almost no power unless the president dies. And even as President he can't take it away. The Supreme court decided that homosexual marriage must be allowed by the states and only the Supreme court or a Constitutional Amendment can change that.

  3. I hear that train ah coming.

    1. The long black train..straight to hell witness liberals.

    2. Caitlyn doesn't want to ce with men either..what's wrong with these libs.

  4. joe have you seen how they are pushing trump to dance with katlin jenner at one of the inugural balls ...google it.

  5. @9:40

    I can tell you why he is being accosted... and it's not because he has religious beliefs, it is because he insists on trying to legislate his beliefs. He is confused about the nature of our secular republic, he thinks this is his Christian Theocracy, and this is why he is accosted.

  6. EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. They all vote democrat and democrats want Keith Ellison who is Muslim and is for Sharia law which likes killing gays so go figure.

  8. Pence was not even there last night he was in DC. I wonder how all those neighbors that put up the rainbow flags now are feeling that they are losing sleep while the queers dance in their streets.

  9. ONE look at these whack, deviant, strange, and off the charts f'd up people and you can see why they lost the election so badly.
    They think they are so gorgeous and righteous.
    The rest of America looks at them and throws up.
    What drives them to be SO "in your face" about who they like to have sex with????

  10. 11:56 It's not Christian theocracy. It's called morality. Right and wrong doesn't change just because you or I say so.

  11. Eeel & eww after looking at that outside his window he ll probably have ptsd

  12. Everyone will be allowed to entered heaven, but not all will be allowed to stay. Such as these people.


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