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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Professor Calls for Whites to Have "Individual Reparations Accounts"

Dyson regards much of white America as pernicious force

Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson is proposing the idea that white people should have an ‘Individual Reparations Account’ to make donations to black institutions and individuals.

The idea is part of his forthcoming book, Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America.

Dyson made the argument during an interview with Ana Marie Cox in the January 8 edition of the New York Times Magazine.

From the interview:

Good! I used to say in church, “If the sermon ain’t making you a little bit uncomfortable, it ain’t effective.” Look, if it doesn’t cost you anything, you’re not really engaging in change; you’re engaging in convenience. You’re engaged in the overflow. I’m asking you to do stuff you wouldn’t ordinarily do. I’m asking you to think more seriously and strategically about why you possess what you possess.

I agree with reparations, but maybe this is my white privilege speaking: I can’t imagine actually doing that.

That is what I meant by an I.R.A.: an individual reparations account. You ain’t got to ask the government, you don’t have to ask your local politician — this is what you, an individual, conscientious, “woke” citizen can do.

But charity can’t be the end of it, right? The Koch brothers gave the United Negro College Fund $25 million, but I doubt you would consider them “woke.”



  1. Que up the coo-coo bus for this EDUCATED Professor.


  2. Its called taxes, we already are paying!!

    Sincerely the Middle class

  3. He must be smokin crack.

  4. What about all of the thousands upon thousands of white immigrants who came here after slavery was abolished? Do they get an "out"? After all, they had nothing to do with any wrongs of the past.

    I've listened to Dyson over the years and I feel that he is misguided. Raise your children to obey the law, to go to school and get an education and to treat others with respect. Who knows, maybe they won't have anything to fear.

    Just my two cents.

    1. 2:46 You still haven't changed your name, get to it.

  5. I will give you reparations when you give me reparations for supporting your children, free housing, not taking responsibility for your children, abolish the racist black lives matter movement. And finally take responsibility for your on actions and quit blaming others for your shortcomings.

  6. How about reparations for black on white crime?
    How about reparations for all the welfare and food stamp benefits we are forced to pay for the children they cannot afford, but keep having and the father is no where to be seen?
    How about all the prisoners we are forced to house and feed for the crime that is brought about in this community?
    My British ancestors were indentured servants. Will the British government pay for my ancestors indenture for freedom?
    How about the store my father owned back in the Sixty's that was looted and destroyed because my father could not afford to employ anyone except family because it was a small family business in Cambridge Maryland.
    The destruction and looting forced him into bankruptcy that took him most of his life to recover from and died angry because of this?
    This was my inheritance. Will I get reparations for the destruction done to my fathers business from the black community who looted his store?

  7. That is why it you don't feed the bears at the parks,because it makes them lazy,reliant and a nuisance.

  8. Prophets aren't often listened to when they speak. Someone will listen though, and that hopefully will be enough. Have to be honest SBY News; most of the time I just come here to remind myself of why folks like us are necessary. This time you gave us something else to use in our fight against White Supremacy in our country. So, thanks I guess?

    1. BS there is no white supremacy. All are born equal, some do not take advantage of what is offered (ex getting an education, getting a job etc ). I don't owe anyone for what happened 150-200 years ago. Get off your asses and get a job, no more handouts !

  9. The people who were kidnapped in Africa by rich Jewish merchants, are now dead and gone to Heaven.

    Their descendants who live in America now are still enslaved right along with all of the regular "little people" (whites and natives) who are now the victims of international Jewish bankers' actions.

  10. We do this already its called paying taxes which pays welfare.

  11. We are all slaves now to the fiat currency which is printed out of thin air.
    This process enables the printers (Bankers) to steal our labor.

    We are also enslaved by the government who enforces illegal Statutory Laws against the free people.
    The statutes consist of victimless crimes and the penalties act as a tax against the people.

  12. How about the extra 1000 dollars paid to umes for sports ,student union and a third group. It is not a option to not pay it. I would never pay extra to such a account.

  13. Rebel,
    I agree with you and like the name.
    I say keep it.

  14. Lol keep dreaming snowflakes

    Talking about snowflake millinials they ARE the new WELFARE CROWD.

  15. I think it's a great idea.
    Start the fund today. If you accept funds, you get 2 choices: stop all other government freebies or buy a ticket back to your ancestors homeland. Now, shut up, salute the flag and support yourself.

  16. 4:53
    I never owned anyone black or any other color.
    So you can take your racist reparations and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

  17. I see that Anonymous 5:53 PM has nothing useful to add to this conversation. He must still be pissed about the Chincoteague FD posting and for what it's worth, he/she really told us without offering any background as to why anyone could be wrong with their input.

  18. Take the RACE card away ...Noone owes the Blacks Anything !!

  19. In Fact , Blacks Owe the Whites , who fought the terrible
    Wars and Saved THEM and the whole World ... FACT

    Just take time to think about that, and Thank Our Heroes !!!

  20. Us Veterans don't want to hear any wining , about we Owe
    the Racist Blacks Anything. It is them Who Owe Us...Period

    Some Blacks did fight the wars, BUT, Far more were White ...
    so Stop HAting Whites....You should LOVE them !!........

    Alot of the Wining Blacks were Never in the service at all,
    let alone in any War........Fact

  21. Ain't NO Racist REPARATIONS gonna Happen....NEVER !!!
    Get Over the slave days...Yours ain't the only ones ever to
    be a slave......plenty of Whites and Others too , incl the
    JEWS........Check out History...grow up !!!

  22. Hat's off to those Muskeegee Airmen !!! and the other Good
    Black Brothers of our White Christian Soldiers !!!.....

  23. Fact is, Many, Many more kinds were Slaves , Long before
    any Blacks....and also, there was, and still is, Black on
    Black Slavery..... Wake up ...all you Hate mongers ...!!!

    Just look at Africa in recent years ......


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