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Monday, January 23, 2017

President Trump Meets With US Business Leaders - Bringing Jobs Back To America


  1. A real businessman at work! Wow, is this ever reassuring!

  2. Obama was a communist pig!

  3. Imagine Hillary here at this meeting, "Well, we will certainly look at all our options and of course take into consideration all the needs of all parties, and strive for the best possible solution..blablablablabla.....

    So glad to see a real Leader in charge!

  4. Thank you God! America needed a man that loves his country.

  5. No politics just common sense.

  6. Finally a president smart enough to know how to create jobs and put americans first again. To all who voted for Trump, a BIG thank you.

  7. I am 65 years old and I can remember back to President Eisenhower. This is the only President I can remember that is actually trying to do what he said he would do in his campaign. I believe he will truly be a great President. And he will make things better for everyone even the ones that are putting him down. I believe all Americans are going to prosper and be better off because of President Trump.

  8. Proves he is SUPER !!!

    He on the Ball already, has done more already than Obama
    in 8 years , along with Obama's Demoncrats !!!

    They will be Kissing his ASs when he Does a Great Job
    for 8 years !!!

  9. Just Proves >> The Gov should have been bringing All
    the jobs and companys Back to America (for years) and that
    they Could have.....but did not care to ....because the
    damn companys Paid off the politicians to let them leave !!

    The Govt has the Authority to Make All the companys return
    wheather it uses Tax or just tells them they have to return
    or they can't do business here (the govt Holds the License
    they need to operate) or sell their goods here !!!


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