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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Polygamy remains a crime as U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear case from ‘Sister Wives’

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear arguments from the husband and four wives who star in the television show "Sister Wives," letting stand a lower court ruling that kept polygamy a crime in Utah.

The appeal by Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn Brown sought to remove the penalties for a practice that has caused consternation in Utah since the first Mormon settlers arrived. Some of the state's politically active polygamists vowed Monday morning to continue efforts to decriminalize plural marriage.

Salt Lake County's Darger family — husband Joe and wives Vicki, Valerie, and Alina — on Twitter turned their attention to trying to remove the criminal penalties through the political process.



  1. What man in his right mind would want more than one wife?

  2. I'm thinking Hell hath four times the fury of 4 women scorned! Think of it; 4 wedding anniversaries, four birthdays, gift jealousy on Valentine's day, Xmas, and who gets the prettiest dress?

    I'd be dead in 2 years... Maybe by my own hand, if not theirs!

    1. I feel ya! My husband and I don't celebrate (gift give) birthdays, Valentine's, Christmas or most anniversaries (will this year 20yrs but still simple) but we do have a date night every week...anywhere from a nice dinner to bumming at home with a movie...I don't wanna share that...and I can't imagine quality time with multiple spouses Between that and work my husband would naturally die...if I didn't do it first! Lol

  3. if you were married to michelle Obama you might want another wife. if you were married to Hillary you might consider having multiple affairs

  4. Sometimes having one wife, is one too many.

  5. Anon 4:55PM, thanks for your input Bill.

  6. Wow but same sex freaks of nature can marry?

  7. When LGBT polygamists make it an issue then it will be OK.

  8. One wife is sometimes too much to deal with. That man must be insane and deaf to be able to deal with that many women.

    1. 11:09. If you have to "deal" with your wife then you probably marrried the wrong woman.

    2. Some days I feel that way. She's a real challenge. One is enough.

  9. What crazy man wants that many wives? I'll tell you,follow the money.Since this creepy perv can only be legally married to one woman,the others are single mothers and collect bennies from the government.Warren Jeffs and other polygamous cult-men survive this way.


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