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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Participate In Today's Poll

If Liberals Want To Claim Trump's Popularity Is At 40%,

What Percentage Of People Think Hillary Clinton Should Be Criminally Prosecuted? 

Funny How Liberal News Won't Produce That Poll.


  1. I think she should be in jail

  2. how com i dont see anything about the road rage shooting in wicomico on sunday ? more cover ups.

  3. lock hillary up along with sharpton 100%

  4. Prosecute!

    Although she always has a escape route.Probable have tax payer give her a sex change claiming he did nothing, it was HRC.

  5. Lock her up. AFTER Friday afternoon!

  6. Yes, Trump may have been the better choice than the clearly corrupt Clinton, but it remains clear to most citizens that Trump is both arrogant and ignorant. His poll numbers will remain low. Trump need not be good in order for Clinton and Obama to be bad. They can be, and all are bad leaders.

  7. I think it is no secret this was the most polarized election in recent history. Neither candidate was "liked" as evidenced by the near 50 - 50 split. Trump was not my first choice by far. However, I am a conservative and what I have seen before he is even inaugurated encourages me. He is a business man and looking at the United States as a large corporation and aligning himself with learned successful executives; I remain very hopeful.

  8. Lock her and Bill both up.

  9. It's funny to you because you don't understand political logistics.Currently there is more chaos in the political system x 3 than there has ever been before.Resources on all fronts are stretched thin & even the ones in charge admit being overwhelmed by the enormity of it.The dust created by the current storm must first settle before the prosecution of Hillary can get back on track.If we can all just be patient for the time being Hillary will get her just dues.

  10. lock her up take away the money she stole.

  11. Obama still has a couple of days to pardon her,so we shall see. I hope he doesn't pardon her and our new attorney general puts her butt in prison.

  12. The reason Obama commuted the he/she sentence is to give precedence for the crimes Hillary committed. In other words, why should a transvestite be serving time for lesser crimes than the lying bitch.
    Yes, she should be tried. If you or I did what she did -purposefully or not- we would be looking through bars.

  13. Hildabeast still relevant? Nope, don't care. Focus on one thing only!


  14. File the charges and then lock her up!!

  15. Didn't "they" learn that the polls are never right?

  16. 90%-100% She did the crime she should do the time, the charges should be responsibility for the 4 Americans killed in Bengazi, Time for the e-mails she screwed this country with, the deaths of the people with the DNR and those that worked for her and Bill which died mysteriously after complaining I think there were 4-5 deaths at their direct hands. That should amount to Life with absolutely no Parole but we all know it will not happen. But it would be justice what say you Hilary Bleeders?

  17. According to CBS it's at 32% +/-3 points, as of today. Worst since 1981

  18. I say charge the hussy with everything that will stick and whatever she (he) is found guilty of sentence to the max. It's not like there will be time in a penitentiary, it will be served in a mental physicality. I mean, look at the subject, not sane or stable at all. Scary that there are citizens and mostly non-citizens walking our streets that cast a vote for such. Concerns me and should concern all.
    Trump/Pence 2016 ....already making up signs, shirts and hats for 2020


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