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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Part I: Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration


  1. This is why i cant bring my 2 kids thanks liberal ahole soros for ruining a great day it will be remembered.

  2. I would think these actions which they are speaking of could and should be considered acts of terrorism and these people should be charged as such. This would go a long way in proving that Radical Muslims are not the only ones who commit or threaten acts of a terroristic nature. Even it most of it sounds harmless people could get seriously injured or killed in a rush for the exits not knowing if the fumes are deadly or not! These people are a hazard to the public at large and need to be locked away for a long time!

  3. This is why I voted Trump. I will not be forced to vote for a particular person.

  4. It will be interesting to see which LE agency steps up with a preemptive series of arrests beforehand, now that the evidence is clear.

  5. I read where $100Million is being spent on Law Enforcement so I expect action beforehand.

    1. i hope there are police on every train.


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