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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Obama To Illegals: "When You Vote, You Are A Citizen", Don't Worry About Getting Caught


  1. The turd encouraged them to commit a felony!

    If one illegal voted, then President Trump's position is correct - even if not in magnitude...

    The local jurisdictions that do not have proper controls in place are complicit in this crime whether or not they know it or like it.

    The ID to collect welfare, drive a car, buy booze/cigarettes, or cash a check can be made sufficient to identify voting status. We register to vote when we get our drivers licenses - it could state that as clearly as it does our age - or veteran status!

  2. Would they cite this statement as a defense if they are prosecuted?

  3. So glad that POS is gone.

  4. What would happen in Mexico if a non-citizen would vote in their election?


  5. Investigate and charge. Try and convict. He can be on the golf team at prison.

  6. First, these dumb asses say that no illegals voted. Right.

    THEN, the PRESIDENT (charged with....wait for it....enforcing the laws of the USA) says "even if you just swam across the Rio Grande, go ahead and vote anyway!)
    What part of "breaking the law" does the ex-president NOT understand??

  7. I am surprised that obama didn't grant all of the illegals amnesty. Can you imagine the response when Trump took it away!


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