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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Norfolk Police Sergeant Has Acid Thrown On Him By Dale Bright While Walking To Car

Norfolk, VA – A Norfolk Police Sergeant was attacked Monday by Dale Bright, who threw a caustic substance in his eyes, and on his face and neck.

According to ABC 13 NewsNow, the Norfolk Police Sergeant was approached this morning about 10:00 AM by Dale Bright, age 51, as he walked to his vehicle from a Dunkin Donuts restaurant. The incident occurred in the 800 block of North Military Highway. Bright, who is from Virginia Beach, approached the Norfolk Police Sergeant, who was not on a call for service, and threw some type of caustic substance in his face.

Bright fled on foot but the injured Norfolk Police Sergeant chased after him, called for back-up, and relayed information on Bright’s description and location. Bright was caught and taken into custody in the 5700 block of E. Virginia Beach Blvd. He is currently being held at the Norfolk City Jail without bond on a charge of Malicious Wounding by Means of Caustic Substance.



  1. Isn't it time for;Do unto others?

  2. If that cop goes blind that guy should get the death penalty.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 10, 2017 at 3:18 PM

    WTH is wrong with people nowadays, SMH.

  4. Anonymous Obama Crooked Bastardo said...
    WTH is wrong with people nowadays, SMH.

    January 10, 2017 at 3:18 PM

    end times. time is limited and he gotta hustle before he is cast into lake of fire.

  5. @ 510pm another ignorant comment; until people have a change of hearts and minds, stupid comments like that will always come out of the devil's mouth. I will pray for you.


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