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Sunday, January 08, 2017

New Year, New Way of Governing


  1. IDIOT!
    He really needs a job.

  2. GOOOOO AWAY!!!!!!!

  3. 5:20 Why? You are paying his way for the rest of his life. AND, he can go do speeches to the braindead, and make millions. 'Murica

  4. I thought this crook was in prison for the redlight/camera scams?

  5. failed mayor from a failed city, yes please enlighten us as to what you failed at!

  6. Why do people still allow him to speak?

  7. Sorry to make a comment on something I haven't seen, but I can't deal with watching such a sad individual. Seems like this guy actually believes that someone cares what he has to contribute. Please Sir, stop the nonsense and stay behind the scenes. Don't you realize you have done enough damage to Baltimore and Maryland. Volunteer you're time at the White House. They have a moving van backed up there and it pays in furniture. All you can steal that isn't attached to the wall or flooring. Good luck and good bye. Happy New Year!

  8. Remember that ridiculous statement he made?
    "All lives matter"....oh wait, "Black lives matter"???
    He wasn't man enough to keep his first statement. Had to change to please the crowd, I mean animals.

  9. Agree - go away! You must be really dense not to get the message that NO ONE is buying what you are trying to sell! EGOMANIAC!

  10. AHHHHHH. Please sit down and shut up.

  11. Our buddy - O'Palley! Can't say he's the best or worst salesman MD ever had. We've had way to many to count on both hands and feet!

    Good news though....only 3 days until TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Sorry I tried to listen to it but could only make about 1 minute for just can't stand the sound and sight of him so had to shut it down

  13. He is like a hemorrhoid that returns every so often.

  14. Martin O'Malley - you should be ashamed of yourself.

    First off - the Exodus from Egypt occurred because the Hebrews were muzzled, shackled, and basically slaved out to their masters - very similar as to how we the Maryland taxpayers have been slaved out to your demented governmental ideologies.

    And as for your so called Maryland Green spots - it is more like a confiscation of eastern shore properties - as now they (farmers) can do little with their newly tiered map properties except grow more - INDUSTRIAL SIZE POULTRY OPERATIONS. So in the end you have done nothing more than made it easier to pollute our creeks, steams, rivers, and bay.

    And as for density reduction - IT'S MORE LIKE YOUR 'RESETTLEMENT PLAN' - TO FORCE EASTERN SHORE RESIDENTS INTO THE ARMPIT OF MARYLAND - BALTIMORE!!! Using the county's transportation funds now diverted to fund the Metro rail system so as to try and repopulate the exodus from the inner city - Baltimore!!


    Let's see - Baltimore is bankrupt, crime infested, poverty stricken, and the road infrastructure is deplorable.

    And you wonder why a Baltimore City official suggested for you to;
    'Stay the Hell-A-Way' while the rioting was going on while you were away campaigning in IRELAND to try and be our nations PRESIDENT????

    Come on - maybe you should let me come to the podium and set the record really straight!!!!


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