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Saturday, January 07, 2017

Netanyahu thanks US Congress for opposition to UN resolution

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed members of the United States House of Representatives in a video statement Friday afternoon, thanking them for their support of Israel in the face of the anti-Israel resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council in December.

“After the outrageous anti-Israel resolution at the UN, the US House of Representatives voted yesterday resoundingly to support Israel and reject this one-sided resolution.

“Democrats and Republicans alike know that the Western Wall isn't occupied territory. They voted to either repeal the resolution at the UN or change it—and that's exactly what we intend to do.

“I want to thank the US House of Representatives which reflects the tremendous support Israel enjoys among the American people. Thank you, America. Thank you, Congress.”

More here/video


  1. Now we need to give Israel a green light to wipe out all of the Palestinians and take over all of Gaza.

  2. THere you go crew. Keep on letting foreign outsiders divide us.

  3. Thank God, Israel has never been anything but a Jewish State, and preservation of it and the birthplace of our Lord Jesus is paramount.

    Bless Israel and support it.


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