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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Michelle Obama's face doesn't hide how she feels about Donald Trump becoming US President

Former first lady's face sums up how many feel about the election of the New York property tycoon

Michelle Obama looked unimpressed during the inauguration ofDonald Trump as 45th President of the United States – summing up the mood among critics of the controversial billionaire who was sworn in at a ceremony on Capitol Hill.

Eyebrow raised, the former first lady stood and watched as Mr Trump recited the 35-word oath.

Her dour facial expression prompted an immediate reaction on social media, with one person saying that her evident displeasure at the New York tycoon becoming the most powerful man on the planet “spoke for all of us”.

One image showed Ms Obama – who has been touted as a future presidential candidate – standing uncomfortably as she gave the new US President a sideways glance.

She also appeared unimpressed earlier in the day when she was handed a box by Mr Trump’s wife Melania.



  1. Well, She"s kinda looking at her husband too.

  2. Oh when they walked them to the chopper ... Moochele hugged Melania, then it was Trumps turn, and she stood there with her arms glued to her sides and would not hug him.

    Classless POS on the richie rich welfare plan.

  3. Jealously is a bad thing....Ha Ha Ha. Her and Obammy better find those two pot smokin' childran' in California before one of those body builders swoops them up!!!

  4. Trump had his hands on her upper arms and did the European kiss thing. Kinda hard to make a hug in that situation.

  5. I pray that Trump puts a committee together to prove that Obama was the real illegitimate President and proves that he is an illegal Muslim from Kenya. I would love to see those 8 years cleaned and put a black(colored out) face on the chart of American Presidents. I know this guy was a fraud and we need to prove it.

  6. Compared to other modern First Ladies, I put her near the bottom of the list.
    She perpetuated the "celebrity Presidency" of her husband.
    All talk - no action. No style. No message.
    The only campaign I can think of that was her doing was the one changing school lunches to be a bit more healthier. That endeavor only resulted in damn near every kid throwing away most of the lunch.
    People speak of her having "class"? I think it was just a lot of whipped cream on a hot dog.
    To paraphrase a term we're hearing a lot these days: "She was not my First Lady."

  7. Happy the Obamas are gone from power. They had their turn...now it's time for a real businessman to change DC.

  8. who cares what she thinks or feels. She is a nobody. Her husband WAS president. He no longer has strong influence in this country.

  9. Well if obama's not a muslim he sure knows his place as a black in the muslim world. Remember him bowing to the Saudi king. He bowed because in the muslim world blacks are considered inferiour and beneath the arab muslims. The Quran teaches this. That region is the only ones who still keep blacks for slaves.

  10. Overrated, overpaid. Another liberal icon.

  11. Kind of looks like Cornelius from that movie.

  12. another mad black woman

  13. Anonymous said...
    Oh when they walked them to the chopper ... Moochele hugged Melania, then it was Trumps turn, and she stood there with her arms glued to her sides and would not hug him.

    Classless POS on the richie rich welfare plan.

    January 21, 2017 at 12:28 PM

    When their Chopper left the White House over 1,000,000 people laughed and cheered when they flew over.

  14. Lock them up! Lock them up!!

  15. 1:47 all they have to do is prove he is a US citizen. Obama admits in his book he had to give up his US citizenship to attend Indonesian school. He applied and took tax dollars and grants for his college as a foreign student. No where has it been proven he ever became a US citizen after he denounced his US citizenship. That means the last eight years has been a fraud. Nothing Obama has done as POTUS is legal and has to be voided. Obama has to give up his POTUS retirement and benefits. He has to pay back all the money he has spent on Vacations etc. while he was POTUS including student loans / grants he received as a foreign student.

  16. and GET THOSE DAMN TEETH FIXED. WTF were u waiting for the last 8 years. GEEZ

  17. Will never call her Michelle, once a Michael, always a Michael. And by the way, good riddence.

  18. That's her normal disgusting face

  19. President Trump should wash his lips with steel wool after kissing that thing, yuck!

  20. I thought she liked billionaires now that she's stinking rich.

  21. She's just like her husband a racist through and through, they are a pair wish they had moved out of DC and moved out of the country would have been nice. The are a media pair you watch they will always want fame and attention where ever and whenever they can. Disgrace to this country and to their own race.

  22. she is totally classless. She does not even have the grace to accept a gift. She is a zero. not Jackie Kennedy.She does not even stand gracefully, she stands like a man, slump shoulders and feet apart


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