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Sunday, January 08, 2017

Megyn Kelly Is Said to Be Leaving Fox News for NBC

Megyn Kelly, who arrived at Fox News 12 years ago as a television news neophyte but rose to become one of its two biggest stars, has decided to leave the network to take on a broad new role at NBC News for an undisclosed amount, people briefed on the negotiations said on Tuesday.

The NBC News chairman, Andrew Lack, wooed Ms. Kelly away from Fox News by offering her a triple role in which she will host her own daytime news and discussion program, anchor an in-depth Sunday night news show and take regular part in the network’s special political programming and other big-event coverage.

The move will herald a seismic shift in the cable news landscape, where Ms. Kelly had become the second-most watched host — after Bill O’Reilly of Fox News — and often helped define the national political debate, especially over the last year as Donald J. Trump regularly attacked her, at times in viciously personal terms.



  1. Glad she is gone.

  2. Replies
    1. Riddance. If you must post, please learn how to write.

  3. Megyn is one guy who made the male-to-female transition extremely well. Most people think of him as a very attractive woman.

    I don't like his reporting personality. But that is my preference. It is obvious that he is very well educated and will be missed by Fox Network.

  4. Time for a transgender name change and boob job!

  5. Not surprised. Been a rumor for quite some time. Great show and gave some balance to Fox. We criticize the other MSM for being biased. Her leaving gives the liberals more reason to criticize FNC. I actually prefer Kennedy on Fox Business over all of them. She's cute, smart and funny and has great guests that she doesn't argue with. Unlike Hannity and O'Reilly.

  6. Great news! She would be better to stay away from the political side of it though. Funny I remember her starting the feud, not President-Elect Trump. After clicking on the header to read the story, I had to stop in the beginning. Liar talks about how she has held back talking about the conflict. She is so full of herself it matters not to me where she is, I won't watch the cry baby. She had better watch herself or The Donald will finish her off.

  7. Seems the cracks are finally beginning to develop in the Washington machine. Word out now that GW Bush will now attend Trump inauguration.

  8. Don't let the door hit ya......on the way out!!!!

  9. She became to uppity and thought she was all that. She ruined her own popularity. Glad she is gone. Let see what will happen in her new job and how much power will be at her disposal. "Good Riddance".

  10. Yep! Glad to see her go. Stop watching her a long time ago!!

  11. Traitor pos
    N o
    B ody
    C ares

  12. You people are really dumb. She makes millions a year and could care less about you or what you think. The best you can come up with is that she went against you savior trump and that she was a man. LOL What fools.

  13. Red is not her color.

  14. Didnt Katie Couric get the same treatment? She anchored CBS evening news for a bit and now does a podcast. She basically disappeared

  15. Needs to change her dress from Red to Blue, because she is now showing her true colors!

  16. Fox needs to grab Tomi Lahren from the blaze to fill Megyns spot.

  17. All this because she proved she wasn't going to let Trump walk all over her?
    Fear really brings out the best in you people.

  18. Good by you ugly Liberal POS!! We all knew you were a Democrat in Sheeps clothing.

  19. I thought thatvwas Michael Kelly..... man trapped in a woman's body

  20. Good riddance to a liberal who is full of herself!!!

  21. 2:31
    You are certainly qualified to recognize dumb. You must have a mirror in front of you if you aren't qualified.
    Think again,she starts it,Trump ends it.
    And it could be just that, hopefully the end for her.
    Every time one goes looking for trouble,they end up finding it.

  22. Frankly I thought Megyn was a good anchor. While I didn't make a steady diet of her hour I felt she was "fair and balanced" and her experience as a prosecutor did not leave folks off the hook. Her dust up with Trump showed she was not afraid of anyone but I was glad to see they made peace. I don't much care for the other networks so will not follow her. Life goes on.

    1. Until the 10 yr backstab story came out.

  23. I wonder how long before Kelly talks about her helicopter being shot down like the centerpiece of (N)othing (B)ut (C)ommunism Brian Williams

  24. The funniest thing about all these posts is that you live in the third most democratic state in the country and continue to pound your chests about trump winning. Should be interesting on here in a couple months, you know, after everything has changed. No more welfare, the wall is built, muslims sent home, you get to carry handguns in MD......

  25. Is this part of Obama's cha cha change?? took 8 years but finally a SUC-cess!

    (snicker snicker)


  26. Haven't watched her in a while but she was a good hire when Fox brought her on. She rose based on the exposure Fox provided, and they both prospered. Personally don't think the shorter hair flatters her facial features. But,

    She has now jumped to a losing network for a bigger paycheck. Hope she got a good deal and doesn't spend all of it because she won't have the strong lead-in and follow-on that Fox provided. She'll have idiots before and after her, to the extent they can even find idiots to warm the chairs.

    She has small kids, and with a M-F daytime gig will come earlier report times, but the opportunity to tuck them in. The weekend show will blow a hole in Sundays. The analyst/commentator piece means they'll feel free to tap her when a dog irrigates a fire hydrant.

    Oh, and you'll be paying for her raise in your Comcast bills since Comcast owns NBC. Happy New Year!

  27. 7:46 PM, are you still wearing purple like your idol Hillary?

  28. She Viciously attacked Trump ON TV and tried to destroy him

    Don't feel a bit sorry for her ....WAAAAAAA !!!

  29. Duh,she was fired,but Fox wants to remain politically correct and allow her to say she "just left for another job".Always remember that nothing is ever what it appears to be anymore because deception always works like a charm with the ignorant masses.Too many people really liked Megyn to tell America the truth.


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