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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Media Covers Fake Mike Flynn Story, Ignores Bombshell on Secret Obama/Iran Meetings

If mainstream media truly wishes to repair its image with the general public, these outlets must recognize they do not merely suffer from a "bubble" reinforced by overwhelmingly liberal staffing, or from supposedly insufficient outreach to working class communities.

The mainstream's issues are apparent in their content choices, suggesting an intractable problem. Following decades of allowing the Democratic Party to select the day's narrative, they possess no measure of professional competence for objectively judging the importance of information.

The media's remarkably different responses to the following two stories offer a definitive example:

1. Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn, President Trump's national security adviser, made a series of phone calls and texts to Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak on December 29, 2016. On that day, then-President Barack Obama had revealed that he was issuing sanctions against Russia for its supposed hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

2. Per the Washington Free Beacon: "Two high-level Iranian government backers, including a former Islamic Republic official and another accused of lobbying on Tehran’s behalf, were hosted at the Obama White House for more than 30 meetings with top officials at key junctures in the former administration’s contested diplomacy with Iran ...



  1. Gasp. What a bombshell. POTUS and his team would actually meet with reps from a country we are trying to make a deal with. Ooowee

  2. The so-called MSM are in full propaganda mode.
    Absolutely no credibility or even any appearance of objectivity.
    They are at war.

  3. The funny thing about the Flynn phone calls was after it was looked into and determined that nothing untoward had happened (as both parties involved had said), the Washington Post more or less said, "well of course they didn't say anything out of turn...people with their level of clearance are aware they're being recorded." Which of course didn't stop WaPo from trying to stir the public up about it.


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