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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Md. MVA extends call center hours

WASHINGTON – A push to deliver better customer service is prompting Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration to keep its call center open later – until 5:30 p.m. on weekdays.

“This expansion will give citizens more access to MVA services and information at a time that is more convenient for many hardworking Marylanders’ busy schedules,” Gov. Larry Hogan said in a statement. “Our administration is committed to making state government work for the people – not the other way around.”

The extra hour of weekday service comes with no expansion of staff and at no additional cost to taxpayers, the statement said.



  1. If you have ever called them you can't get through anyway..and then they usually can't do squat to help you anyway..just like when you go to the actual MVA. .typical md bureaucracy at it best...mva is a money scheme..what a joke.

  2. Who is going to pay the extra light / electric bill and other added expense if the Tax Payer doesn't pay these added expenses?
    Hogan is more like Obama deceptive to the citizens. I am not stupid.

  3. For all you Hogan bashers... Here's one more example why a moderate republican can get more done in a blue state. Who cares if he endorsed Trump or not, as long as he's doing good things for Maryland citizens.


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