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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Maryland Country Club Welcomes Obama Despite Disagreement

Michelle and Barack Obama were reportedly invited to join an exclusive club in Maryland, despite backlash from some members who disagreed with the former president’s policies on Israel.

A group of Jewish members at The Woodmont Country Club in Rockville, Maryland had objected to giving Obama free membership to the club, feeling that his recent decision to abstain from the United Nations Security Council vote put Israel in danger.

“[Obama] has created a situation in which Israel’s very existence is weakened and possibly threatened,” said Faith Goldstein, a member at the club. “He is not welcome at Woodmont,” she reportedly wrote.

But the president of the club had different views, saying they welcome people of all political views.

“In the current deeply polarized political environment,” Barry Forman, the club’s president, said according to CBS. “It is all the more important that Woodmont be a place where people of varying views and beliefs can enjoy fellowship and recreation in a relaxed environment. Given our legacy, it is regrettable that we have now been portrayed as unwelcoming and intolerant, because that is not who we are.”



  1. Liberals without a backbone.....!

  2. Oy vey, that settles it, I won't be joining that club.

    1. Like you could afford even 10% of the initiation, let alone the required charitable donation beforehand.

      Stop pretending you're well off.

    2. I think it's a joke. Ha ha ha

  3. Forget this turd. Heard enough past eight years.

  4. What is so special abot being a has been. Evidently, not much in the future if they have to have the club pay their $80,000 fee a year.

  5. It should make for some interesting foursomes.

  6. Boycott by members would be a good start if they all had a set. He is not even worthy enough to caddy there.

  7. have mooofella carry his bags.

  8. Obama is the Token, every club has to have one or two to be PC.

  9. Maryland is a whore for dc.


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