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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Look Who Obama Wrote A 500 Million Dollar Check To In His Final Week… It’s NUTS

With only 2 days left under the Obama Administration, the U.S. State Department cut a $500 Million check to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund.

This check was written Tuesday under Obama’s promise to contribute a total of $3 Billion to the fund—and as of now, a third of that promise has been fulfilled.

The action was a controversial one, following comments on the campaign trail by President-Elect Trump that “we’re going to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs” (via WaPo).



  1. Yes, he wrote it to the Black KKK , BLM , Black Panthers !!

  2. I'd like to be able to follow that money.

  3. He probably wrote it to the Muslims ....

  4. Is he going to keep the rest of that promise from hies personal account? If he made that promise without the advice and consent of Senate treaty approvals it is worthless!

  5. He surely KEPT some for himself on the way out !!

  6. If you haven't noticed the U.N is controlled by the muslims. It's a good thing Obama is such a great Christian man or the check would have been bigger.

  7. Obama belongs in jail, along with Hillary.

  8. Doesn't this guy answer to anyone?

    1. He's supposed to answer to us, but we aren't speaking the right language.

    2. He's supposed to answer to us, but we aren't speaking the right language.

  9. Realize > It is People BY the Gov't Not Gov't by the People ..... That's a FACT

    The Way it Really is ............


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