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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Liberal Logic?


  1. Liberals yeah so much for being inclusive.

  2. Liberals have no problem with women who want to be anti-choice. They just don't want that opinion forced on them.

    Choice means freedom to live your own life without the interference from others.

  3. Maybe those woman shouldn't order up an abortion like its a shake at McDonalds. Maybe the should be responsible and keep their legs closed or use one of the many birth control options out there. But nah they would rather have at it and then just pop a pill in the morning. Problem solved. Carly, you disgust me.

  4. 9:12 you are wrong they do have a problem with the people that are anti choice as you put it. Because they are Pro-Life. Pro-Life is also a choice it means you respect life and choose not to kill innocent babies. These Liberals today get more upset over seeing a dog or cat killed than they do seeing a human life snuffed out before they have a chance to be born.


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