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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Liberal hack teachers plan week of Black Lives Matter lessons

This whole Black Lives Matter bull crap is getting severely out of hand. It figures that the Teacher’s Union in Philadelphia would now be urging teachers to instruct their students about Black Lives Matter in their classrooms… they are calling it part of current events. I call it part of racism, radicalism, cop-hatred and incitement to violence. Shame on them.

These so-called educators are encouraging students to wear Black Lives Matter clothing and gear. If I were a parent there and this was happening, my children would no longer be going to that school. I wouldn’t want hate taught to my children this way. The BLM lesson plan is scheduled to occur Jan. 23rd through the 28th and cover ‘diversity’ and ‘globalism’. Other topics include restorative justice, empathy and loving engagement. Parents, take note.



  1. The BLM platform is straight Communism. These Neo Communists are indoctrinating a whole generation through publicly funded school systems. America is in dire straits thanks to Obama.

  2. They should teach a lesson on God. Then they wonder why the kids have no respect and are out of control. YOU are the problem.

  3. And the teachers union in Maryland is pushing for the fair share act, which means every employee of the board of ed will be forced to pay into the union. Greedy liberal bastards.


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