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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lady Liberty is African-American in new commemorative coin

Lady Liberty appears "in a new light, as an African-American woman," in a $100 gold coin unveiled Thursday, officials at the U.S. Mint have announced.

The 2017 American Liberty 225th Anniversary Gold Coin shows a woman's head in profile with a crown of stars. It features the year of the Philadelphia mint's founding, 1792, as well as 2017. The reverse side of the coin depicts an eagle in flight.

The coin is the first in a series. Future 24-karat gold coins will show Liberty in designs representing Asian-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans, according to the mint. From the late 18th through the early 20th century, most U.S. coins featured depictions of Liberty as a woman of Europen ancestry.

"The coin demonstrates our roots in the past through such traditional elements as the inscriptions 'United States of America,' 'Liberty,' 'E Pluribus Unum' and 'In God We Trust,'" Principal Deputy Director Rhett Jeppson said.



  1. There they go changing history again - ridiculous!

    1. Please enlighten us as to what history is being changed here

  2. As long as it spends I wouldn't care if it had a left handed Mexican midget wrestler with antlers..

  3. I have no problem with this. Makes more sense then everyone arguing over who it should be on the coin. I don't see it as changing history at all. We as a country have better things to worry about for sure. BTW I voted for Trump.

  4. Another obama issue to piss off people.

  5. You can see the attitude on the face of the coin! will it be gold leaf over copper. Will it be worth it's weight in gold?

  6. obama
    me me me me me me me

    trump will stop the circulation.

  7. Pandering to the untermensch.....it means nothing.

  8. Of course the only blacks that can afford the coin are drug dealers.

  9. Gold is gold. And for the haters give it up we are a melting pot in case you are not aware. A Trump voter. I dont see a problem here

  10. Might as well show a chicken on the flip side...

  11. Ugly! Lady Liberty was carved in stone by the Greeks in 620 AD, and it wasn't any woman of color!

  12. Quit Screwing with America's Money !!!

    This is Not Africa !!!

  13. A Hillary coin will be next !!!

  14. Farakon , Jessie Jackson , Al Sharpton , coins next !!!

  15. What is a African American. Does this make me a European American

  16. Actions taken without the approval of Congress are extremely easy to overturn.

  17. How about not putting people on any currency, stop the madness.

  18. Liberty is an idea, not a person. It doesn't matter the race of the person representing the idea.

  19. I think there should be a coin with 3 pictures - bill, filthary and monica

  20. Is there one for Donna Barazil !!!

  21. Pretty soon you will have either Russian or China Coins
    anyway when they take us over !!! Coming soon

  22. Bet Oprah and Gale King will be on one !!!

  23. It looks ridiculous. The woman is wearing a fake hair weave. I won't be adding it to my collection.

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