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Friday, January 20, 2017

Ladies & Gentlemen, President Donald J. Trump


  1. We finally made it to the promise land.

  2. Thank God! Enjoy Patriots!

  3. Short, sweet, powerful and to the point. God Bless America and I hope Obama is wearing diapers

  4. Excited to see these first 100 days. He'll get so much done, Washington's head will be spinning.

  5. Of course CBS has to find fault with his speech. They want to enhance all the negative. Give him a chance and let people get over their childish actions that were enhanced by the media.

  6. One of the best days in my life! I am 60 years old and have seen many Presidents come and go; but with President Trump, today is a NEW FRESH Day! A whole different feeling - heck, I even took the day off today
    (vacation day) to watch it in TV. Would have been great to be there in person; but watching it from home was exciting and powerful!! Good riddance Former President Obama and his boyfriend, Michael!

    1. Its that ignorant rhetoric "good riddance..." which makes people to fail to fall in line. All u said was positive till then. Grow up. If you kept it light and positive it would help Trump. The excess bs fuels negativity and keeps the ignorant race issues relevant.

  7. America starting to be great again already!

  8. A wonderful speech unlike any other! Empty talk is over action begins!

  9. He verbally kicked butt.

  10. IMHO direct and to the point. Wonderful day and I see a renewed vigor in the attitude of the military that was represented. Talladega Cyclone band was awesome. New sheriff in town and the left will have no choice but to get on the Trump train when things start happening.

  11. And Praise The God Lord Almighty !!! Let The Better For Mankind Changes Begin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I hope he does well i love his real and rawness. Not the political norm. I will definitely switch my party and vote for him as i voted for neither. I voted for God and God made the choice. I pray he build that wall, deport the hell out the illegals and indeed put America first.


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