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Sunday, January 22, 2017

JUST IN: Obama grants 330 commutations on last full day in office

President Obama on Thursday granted 330 commutations to federal prisoners, less than 24 hours before his predecessor takes the oath of office. All were serving drug sentences.

Obama has granted more commutations, 1,715, than any president in United States history. Thursday's batch of commutations is the most issued by any U.S. president in a single day.

Obama in 2014 announced his clemency initiative, which encouraged federal prisoners to petition the Justice Department to have their sentences commuted or reduced. The move was part of the president's larger push for criminal justice reform.



  1. Over 400 were serving life in prison. Now coming to a hood near you!

  2. He needs to be in Prison.

  3. Obama secures another 1st place finish is his legacy table of contents. "EVERYTHING that he's done in the last thirty days only confirms him as the worst President in American history. I hope Trump abolishes everything he can undo...but the billions of $$$, the traitors, and terrorist he's released, are gone forever. May God serve as your witness when the final judgment is upon you.

  4. If Bush had done this can you just hear the responses?
    Could this get Obammie charged for treason? Please say YES!

  5. Under President Trump it won't take long to get them back or eliminate them once they break the law again!!! Police will have Federal support now!!!

  6. During a opiate epidemic he let the biggest dealers go.

  7. wonder how many are white?

  8. So what there are many sexual offenders doing wayyyyyy less time for hurting kids. Its backwards anyway when drug dealers who have committed non violent crimes are getting more time than sexual predators

  9. So what there are many sexual offenders doing wayyyyyy less time for hurting kids. Its backwards anyway when drug dealers who have committed non violent crimes are getting more time than sexual predators. Need to make room for the murders and perverts

  10. This is the hope and change the dumb butts voted for!

  11. Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the worst president in history. I'm so happy yo see him leave. I will be cheering so loud tomorrow afternoon whe Marine One takes off one last time!
    Make America great again. Greater than ever before!

  12. He puts criminals back on the street the same time he is attempting to take away my 2nd amendment rights to own a firearm(s) of my choice. I need all you progressive hypocrites tell me why I do not have the rights given to me by the constitution or even the right to protect me, my family and property that I have bought legally and paid taxes on.

    1. He is not trying to take away your 2nd amendment right. He's just trying to make it harder for knuckleheads to get guns so they won't be able to shoot up schools, churches, malls, movie theaters, etc.

  13. Right 3:24 coming to a hood near you where they will once again out dealing and killing. But blacks still overwhelmingly idolize obama so they will get more of what they deserve-death and destruction. Nothing will ever change for them until they change but unfortunately they just can't seem to grasp it.

  14. Forgot to Pardon Hillary.....only have till noon Jan 20 !!!

    1. Hillary doesn't need a pardon. You better worry about Trump and his many lawsuits that he has to deal with.

  15. Obama is a POS and shame on him for commuting all those sentences. I hope ever damn last one of them move to CA and live right next door to him.

  16. A traitor to the rule of law and a coward. Hoping one of these very same animals victimize your sleazy family/ HOW MUCH MORE BLOOD DO YOU WANT ON YOUR FILTHY HANDS?? YOU HAVE HURT SO MANY WITH YOUR LACK OF RESPECT FOR THE LAW.

  17. Aaaaaand he's gone. He was such an Uncle Tom.

  18. 9:43....do you know what a Uncle Tom is? And why do you people keep saying someone was trying to take your guns. Did you get a knock at the door? I damn sure didn't. He commuted sentences because by and large they were unfair and woefully inappropriate. Non violent drug offenders don't deserve life sentences. If you think so then your not a deplorable but just a bad person overall. It would be awesome if just one of you people would actually read and research as opposed to jumping on a bandwagon of nonsense? You people are the reason why your lover boy Trump won't be successful. If you people don't tame your ignorance and get a clue not one of your life situations will change. The first people to feel an improvement in their lives will be those who already have a good life. My investment accounts are doing awesome. Do ya'll have any? Do you have cash to invest? Are you about to start a business or buy real estate? No? Then tame your crazy and get your ducks in a row. Trump can't work miracles with truly ignorant people. Get a clue ya'll. Get a clue!

  19. 11:42 AM:

    Go smoke a doobie with your idol Obama

  20. Obama's strategy to destroy American families from within.

  21. I didnt like obama but i support this decision. Portugal, read about it. It you really want to get the drug problem under control you will take the facts into account that our policy and model in the US is wrong. From someone who has lost people close and saw lives torn apart, wake up and realize our policy is secerely flawed in the US.

  22. His new staff. Nothing like his law & order approach by releasing your legacy the last day!! Just proves how filthy he and is administration was. Hope he and his family gets assaulted by one of these animals.


  23. The commutations to convicted drug users and dealers were just a form of professional courtesy from the leader of the Choom Gang.

    As the weed lovers instruct us, it slows you down a bit so that's why he didn't get around to it earlier.


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