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Thursday, January 05, 2017

Invitation to Readers: Obama’s Legacy

President Obama leaves office on Jan. 20 after eight years. We invite you to reflect on his successes and failures, and how you will remember him.

Please keep your submission brief — no more than 200 words. The deadline is Thursday, Jan. 5, at 10 a.m., Eastern time. We plan to publish a sampling on Sunday, Jan. 8. Email: letters@nytimes.com

(Please put “legacy” in the subject line.)


  1. His legacy is he could have done so much.

  2. ...because we can't think of ANYTHING he's accomplished!

  3. The first President that has intentionally set out to damage the country. Carter did it through incompetence.

  4. With one disaster after another, what legacy? He has proven to be the worst US president ever!

  5. hey 5:58
    that would be his legacy , a legacy is also bad things.

  6. The enemy from within....

  7. He is the worse president that we have ever had. He divided our country and made race relations worse. He surrounded himself with people that did not know what they were doing except to bring the country down.

  8. and how you will remember him

    By wishing I had never heard of him.

  9. He is a complete fraud. He has no verifiable history before appearing on the scene as Oprah's future president, having been elected US senator from the most corrupt and crime-ridden precinct in the country. As president, his entire agenda was to destroy and re-shape the country. He is also a closet muslim. He infiltrated every aspect of government with islamic radicals and politically-correct, far-left idealogues who would partner with savages to completely overhaul our country. If there was ever one person who needed to be completely investigated as to who, what, where, and when (we already know why), it is him. Criminal fraud and treason are his legacy. He should be tried for those and other offenses if applicable, and if convicted, suffer the maximum penalty.


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