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Sunday, January 15, 2017

I Guess They Did Cry, Their Benefits Will Be Cut Too

A Tearful Farewell: President Obama, Daughter Malia (and Even Joe Biden) Weep During Farewell Speech

Many were emotional while witnessing President Barack Obama make hisfarewell address, including the commander-in-chief himself.

Obama pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes when speaking about his wife of 25 years, First Lady Michelle Obama.

“Michelle – Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, girl of the Southside, for the past 25 years, you’ve been not only my wife and mother of my children, but my best friend,” the president said.



  1. Now, get to steppin on out!

  2. Worst president EVER and should be Arrested for TREASON for letting KNOWN terrorists out of gitmo and most of them are back in the field to kill AMERICANS AGAIN.

  3. I was laughing so hard I started crying myself

  4. It was so touching!!! NOT!!! Don't let the door hit you where the dog should have bit you!!!!!!!

  5. No more extravagant vacations or rides on airforce one, no more perks or goods from the tax payer! He and his his family will have to pack their s**t and get out!!!! The gravy train with biscuit wheels has pulled into the station!

  6. Obama, the Narcissist in Chief, referred to himself 75 times. Cry, absolutely not on my part; more like rejoicing...

  7. If the truth be known, he was probably laughing at what he has been able to get away with.

  8. I cried too... tears of happiness. I was never so proud to be a deplorable than last night. What an egotistical, narcissistic, propaganda spreading asshole.
    Maybe his next job will be a manure spreader on the back of a farmers tractor - he definitely has the qualifications.

  9. All he cared about was himself, not the country! He was the worse president in the history of this country.

    1. Wrong the president who increased gas to almost 5.00 a gallon and started a war because his "daddy" was disrespected, and lead during the housing and mortgage crisis gets that title

  10. I was so overjoyed with his leaving that I cried ...... tears of pure joy.

  11. And to think that after the election in 2008 she stated "For the first time in my life I can say I'm proud to be an American". Typical Moon Cricket mentality.

  12. Obama will remain in D.C. to continue speaking out to stir up the masses. Watch for unrest, division, and riots to continue as long as he's around and opens his mouth. This is what the liberals will continue to do behind the scenes and openly. One careless move and the massive debt the liberals purposely wracked up would cause a deep worldwide depression if one foreign nation's interests here was pulled out. The globalists know this will lead to a one world system. That's their plan. That's why they are causing such turmoil.

  13. Lol. I wonder what the comments will be on here when the masses start roasting trump the way Obama was. I gurantee there will be cries of unpatriotic behavior. If other countries are laughing at Obama they definitely are disgusted by the comments people make. Very very just ignorant irrelevant and pointless

  14. Commenters on here definitely set the standard of how to treat a president. Do not be offended and/or mad when this president is showed the same courtesy which he shouldnt, just as Obama should not of have. It is what is. Then we question why there is so much hate

    1. He made is bed. He could not tell the truth if his life depended on it!! If his lips are moving he's lying!! Plenary of evidence out there!!!!!


  16. Eugene Robinson, writer for the Washington Post, claims that there wasn't a dry eye in the County as Obama spoke about his family. JUST ONE MORE THING THE WP DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT!

  17. 10:58 - Look in your history book and take note that it was Jimmy Carter who planted the seeds of the mortgage crisis and Billy Clinton who watered it. As i recall, Barney Frank played a big part with a hand on Bill's watering jug also.

  18. TRUMP just bitch slapped CNN LOL.

  19. Michelle really needs to get those teeth fixed. EW!!!!

  20. 11:02 is spot-on. Obama will now succeed Al Sharpton as the rabble-rousing darling of the mainstream media.

  21. Why was the pos crying I am the one who should be crying as I pay my 722.00 dollar a month Obama care health insurance bill with a 3500.00 deductible that I can't afford to go to the doctor good riddance ass hol_

  22. Don't let the White House door hit ya in the ass on Your
    Way Out !!! See ya ..........

  23. Thanks for RUINING AMERICA with Obama care

    The Worst Thing since WW2 !!

  24. No way that jerk could cry as much as we have the last two terms. Maybe if he were thinking how awful of a job he has done. Get the heck out and if you continue to try destroying us, do so in the background. Tired of viewing you after silencing the TV.

  25. No lifetime Secret Service Protection for the Obamas. Should be interesting.

  26. Be OUT by Monday MLK day !!! New Sheriff Moving IN ....

  27. Oh,They get Lifetime Protection (and then some)for the
    Whole Family....costing you Millions!!

    So do ALL the Pres and their Fam ...........

  28. They will miss, being treated like a king/queen
    Fancy food
    All the perks
    Air Force One
    Free meal ticket
    Of course , they have to come back down to earth with the
    rest of us now ......No wonder the Tears ............

  29. Good riddance Obozo and Manchell.

  30. He crying over the Blacks may loose some benefits
    He don't care about us Whites...or Fixing his Obama CAre !!


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