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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hillary's Next Move: Writing? Policy? Boosting Other Candidates?

As President Donald Trump settles into the Oval Office that Hillary Clinton had hoped to occupy herself, the Democratic nominee is said by friends to be figuring out her next move, Gabriel Debenedetti wrote at Politico.

Though Clinton has been urged to run for mayor of New York against incumbent fellow Democrat Bill de Blasio, that is not considered likely.

Instead, the 69-year-old former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state might join her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in working to help Democratic candidates across the country.

"I would be surprised [to see Bill Clinton step away from politics] only because he has so many friends who are still involved, who he's worked with for so many years," Skip Rutherford, dean of the University of Arkansas' Clinton School of Public Service and founding president of the Clinton Foundation, told Politico. "Many of the people who are involved in the political world got their starts in the Clinton world, so there's a whole base of people who are connected to both Clintons."



  1. Wouldn't that be more like hindering fellow Democrats? Or maybe not, since they are also liberal snowflakes.

  2. How about an indictment or two?

  3. Maybe the Feds will figure out her next move

  4. Bill and Hillary are both relics. Leave them to history.

  5. 12:43
    Amen.....retire for good, preferably in the gray bar hotel.

  6. Go to JAIL - directly to JAIL - do not pass GO!

  7. Boosting other candidates after her embarrassing loss to Trump? What a laugh!

  8. What's wrong with a 10 year stint in prison?


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