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Monday, January 16, 2017

For the Record: Atlanta Crime Rate IS Very High

Did you know?

The overall crime rate in Atlanta is 131% higher than the national average.

For every 100,000 people, there are 18.13 daily crimes that occur in Atlanta.

Only 2% of the cities in the United States are safer than Atlanta.
In Atlanta you have a 1 in 16 chance of becoming a victim of any crime.

The number of total year over year crimes in Atlanta has decreased by 5%.


[Atlanta is in Georgia's 5th Congressional district, represented by John Lewis (D-GA) --Editor]


  1. People from Chicago go to Atlanta because they consider Atlanta to be a safe space.

  2. CNN talking heads were taking up for Lewis saying he has done so many things to make his area best in the country.

  3. He doesn't represent all of Atlanta, he snakes in downtown Atlanta and then into the suburbs

  4. crime in atlanta has always been high.

  5. Send Lewis back to work on that...get him OUT of DC !!!


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