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Monday, January 23, 2017

First Lady Melania Trump Weeps at National Cathedral

First Lady Melania Trump wept as 20-year-old Marlana VanHoose sang the hymn “How Great Thou Art” during the Inaugural Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral in the nation’s capital on Saturday morning.

Hundreds of worshippers joined President Donald Trump the First Lady; Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen; most of the Cabinet; and Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for an ecumenical prayer, featuring a wide variety of faiths.

The service, which has become part of the inaugural tradition over the past several decades, sounded a message of national unity, echoing a theme that featured in several of Friday’s inaugural addresses as well. On Saturday morning, with politicians seated in the pews as ordinary congregants, and religious leaders and laypeople leading them in prayer, without the pomp and ceremony of the day before, there was a sense of humility shared by all in the chapel, as well as a palpable sense of joy.



  1. When the Spirit moves you,you can. not help but weep and stand to give Him praise

  2. Amen to that. Gods voice came through that young ladies mouth. And Milania, what a class act she is. Very humbled and proud American. Doesn't act privileged like the last FLOTUS

  3. Watch the youtube video of this and watch the First Lady. She is the first to stand for an ovation and everyone else then stands. Truly a class act she is.

  4. The Holy Spirit was moving in a very powerful way in that service. She was just one of many who were touched.
    Although he didn't show it as much, her husband was one of them too. God was really working in him. You could see it..

    God has blessed the United States with this man. We will all see that as time goes on. God's hand is clearly on him and his family.

  5. Crocodile tears. 😢

  6. dittos 8:26, this is awesome. she wept and stood and this says a lot...we are blessed to have President Trump and Melania as our first lady. God Bless them and God Bless America.

  7. I'm so happy to have real class in the WH. We are in for a great 8 years. Everyone needs to get on board and help this Administration do it's job!


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