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Sunday, January 15, 2017

‘Fake News’: BuzzFeed, CNN Target Trump with Admittedly Unverifiable Russia ‘Memos’

On Tuesday, CNN reported that President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama had been briefed by the intelligence community on memos alleging there was communication between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials.

CNN suggested the existence of highly-compromising material targeting Trump which was compiled by a former British intelligence officer.

CNN, which was referred to as the Clinton News Network during the 2016 election, wrote (emphasis ours):

CNN has reviewed a 35-page compilation of the memos, from which the two-page synopsis was drawn. The memos originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats. At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos, as it has not independently corroborated the specific allegations. But, in preparing this story, CNN has spoken to multiple high ranking intelligence, administration, congressional and law enforcement officials, as well as foreign officials and others in the private sector with direct knowledge of the memos

The cable news network noted that while the former British intelligence officer’s work is credible, the specific allegations presented in the document have produced inconsistencies and have yet to be confirmed.

Among the unverifiable claims, President-elect Trump is accused of participating in extremely graphic sexual fetishism in the Moscow Ritz-Carlton.

While CNN did not publish the report, BuzzFeed did, knowing full well that the unverified memos would off a media frenzy of unsubstantiated rumors:



  1. This is being pushed by cnn and trump needs to SUE the S..T out of them.

    1. That ain't how the First Amendment works, slick.

  2. Buzzfeed the new gawker BANKRUPT after trump goes after you.

  3. This was about trump not reading his daily brief this was a set uop by the fbi and cia to embarass trump and teach him a lesson but i hope trump sues the crap out of cnn and buzzfeed and bankrupts them like Gawka.

  4. I am seeing online this was John McCain that sent a buddy to russia and gave it to the fbi john your a traitor pos to republicans.

  5. FCC needs to revoke their license.

  6. This was a 4chan hoax, and they fooled the cia.

    1. John mccain picked it up and gave it to the cia FACT google it he is a RINO POS.

    2. Yup just seen that i hope Trump sues for Billions.

    3. He is a pos and cnn needs to have there licence pulled
      C orrupt
      N ews
      N etwork

  7. Be careful little Snowflakes what you believe.

  8. With how highly Trump has always spoke of women there's NO WAY he would EVER hire a prostitute. Not my president! He's the best, yuuuge changes are coming!

  9. It still amazes me that Trump won after being barraged with the negative propaganda against him. It's like playing football at the opposing teams field, all the calls going against you and when the other teams scores, they get the ball back. Yet, he still won!
    What does that tell you? His team deserved it.
    The Obama administration, Clintons and DNC are scum. They float on top of the swamp and line the bottom.

  10. Trump pulled out a can of whip@ss.

    "Trump 3:16 just said I whipped your ass CNN!

    One of their numbnut reports up front tried to ask a question and Trump said NO...uh NO...uh NO...I don't think SO....NO. Have to see it to enjoy it!


  11. CNN lost all credibility during the campaign. This was the final 3 gallons to completely submerge their ship.

    Now with that said, and all the other chatter about fake news sites, remember that 90% of all news outlets in the U.S. are owned by 6 corporations.


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