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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Edward Snowden reacts to Chelsea Manning commutation

Edward Snowden, who famously leaked classified information from inside the National Security Agency, on Tuesday celebrated President Obama's commutation of Chelsea Manning's prison sentence.

"In five more months, you will be free," Snowden tweeted. "Thank you for what you did for everyone, Chelsea. Stay strong a while longer!"

In January, Snowden tweeted: "Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency as you exit the White House, please: free Chelsea Manning. You alone can save her life."



  1. If a liberal asks you today why you voted for Trump, show them this. Our country is circling the drain. We are like that bug that is hanging on to the bowl just before he loses its grip and disappears forever. Morals are gone. Ethics are gone. Respectability is gone. It has become a "what's in it for me" world.
    Trump is here to fix the plumbing. TGIF the 20th.

  2. Should be AGAINST THE LAW that Obama or any President can
    Let these criminals off when they have been Found Guilty!!

    The Justice Dept decisions should be Final , so we have a
    separation of powers in place Pres has too much power !!

    Obama should be charged for letting so many Prisoners OFF
    esp those worst of the worst in Guantanimo

    These were WAR criminals who should have been Only a Military Matter > and All should have been SHOT !!! Not Released !!!

  3. Obama Worst than Snowden anyday !!!

  4. Manning Worse than SNowden too

    The prisoners converted him to be a girl , after Raping
    him on a daily basis...........No wonder !!! What else
    could he be ???


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