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Friday, January 20, 2017

Donald Trump sworn in as 45th US president

Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.

After formally taking office, Trump said: "Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come."

Mr Trump added that January 20 would be remembered as "the day the people became the rulers of this nation again".

An anti-Trump protester screams in agony as the new US President is sworn in.

The woman, sitting cross-legged on the ground close to Capitol Hill, was filmed yelling "no" at the top of her voice as Donald Trump took his oath.



  1. Part of my reason for voting for Trump and my joy at seeing him sworn-in is the liberals having hissyfits!

    Civility is completely absent from the Dumbocrat liberals - you can't talk sense to them and they can't comprehend what is right for the people - just what is right for their socialist agendas!

  2. I am so sick and tired of these crybabies. For the past 8 years they have had their thinking done for them and now they are completely at a loss since they have forgotten how to think for themselves.

    Screaming no, will change what? Rioting (what some call "protesting") will change a few things. The amount of money in your bank account, if you have one. Your ability of walking to a store to get a soda or something. (you will be in jail)

    I actually have some hope for this country now with Trump in office. I haven't felt hope in at least 8 years.

    Some of you are showing the world how childish and spoiled you really are. Good example....NOT.

    Some are even calling for Trump to be assassinated. Another brave example for the rest of the world.

    I see great things happening for us and this country now. I didn't see that before. And I'll be damned if I let some whiny ass punks stop us from being great again.

    You can piss and moan all you like, just don't stand in the way of the rest of us making progress.

  3. Looks like those PEACE IN THE PARK crowd.....PEACE ALLIANCE OF THE LOWER SHORE....

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 20, 2017 at 9:50 PM

    Move Over Crybabies, or Get Run Over by Trump Train.

  5. Did you notice she looked up to make sure she was on camera before she hollered no? LOL. She doesn't realize how foolish she looks!

  6. Sorry, her looking up is not shown on this video as I just commented. I did see the part of her looking up on a video post on Facebook. Hilarious!!

  7. Cry dumb ass! Our suffering is over.

  8. I watched all of the inauguration. At times I found it emotional and I too remain very hopeful. I also watched the protestors. Why do these "bold" left dissenters always cover their faces; cowards? Afraid to face the music for their wilful destruction? I daresay they are a fart in the wind and wouldn't have a clue in an honest debate.


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