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Saturday, January 28, 2017

DOE Employees Scrubbed ‘Climate Change’ From Agency Files To Fool Trump

Department of Energy employees have been scrubbing any reference to “climate change” from internal documents to keep the Trump administration from putting projects on the chopping block.

One DOE employee told the podcast “This American Life” she and others have been “going through all their internal documents that describe ongoing projects and just scrubbing them, deleting the parts where it says ‘and here’s how this can help us combat climate change,’” producer David Kestenbaum said.

The employee, identified as Laura and voiced by an actress in the podcast, said “we already did that” after the election. Laura said she and her colleagues cried after President Donald Trump’s win.

This “renewable energy program, now it’s a jobs program,” Kestenbaum added. “Most federal projects have a reason for their existence, why draw attention to something by putting the words ‘climate change’ in the description.”



  1. Wow! I hope there's an investigation and these people are fired at the very least. The documents belong to the People of the US and "Laura" serves at the discretion of the President whether she likes him or not.

  2. Disgraceful! Fire them all!

  3. Democrats for so long have done whatever they want in Washington and I pray pres Trump has the stomach to rid government of these people.

  4. Everybody's scrambling as hard as they can go to try and cover their butt and we the tax payers are footing the bill for this waste of time.If they have time for that crap then their job isn't very important and we don't need them. Clean house Drain the swamp. McDonald's is hiring.


  5. Now we have Falsification of Records. Going to be a bumpy ride for these snowflakes.

  6. wonder how many more agencies have done this...


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