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Monday, January 16, 2017

Do You Agree?


  1. I dunno about that. Yes they were pretty epic... but life continues to get better every year I get older. I guess that's what happens when you live in the now, and not in the past.

  2. I never hated school, but I never missed it either

  3. Did not like school, have never missed it.

  4. I hated childhood altogether, school included.

  5. Same is said about wives, but sometimes the alimony payments are worth the peace it brings.

  6. Biggest bunch of jerks I ever encountered.Not being in the smart attractive people classes is nothing I'll ever remember with anything but contempt.I'm not bitter any more,but I still duck most of them when possible.

  7. WOW! Some pretty nasty comments. So sad your childhoods were so conflicted. Perhaps I was fortunate to have had a wonderful childhood with good friends that I looked forward to seeing every day.Sure, school was a necessary evil, but I often reflect on fond memories. This is what molds responsible mature adults if one seizes the opportunity. "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

  8. Had some really good times in school with some really great people. The only thing that I will never miss, is having to deal with the rich, spoiled, stuck up kids that thought they were better than others, just because their parents had money to buy them whatever they wanted. The one thing that I will always remember about those rich kids, was when I got invited to a rich kids party. One of them asked me, when did I get accepted into their class (meaning rich kids group). Now that I am older, I see some of those rich kids around, and I am so glad that my school friends were the middle to lower class (like me, not with a lot of money). Those were the true friends.

  9. That used to be the case but now the schools are filled with violent thugs that the school cannot throw out creating a stressful experience for the students there to learn.

  10. Did not like school, or the cliques, they always wanted me to join them but I didn't ,thought they were far to arrogant, they all smoked partied a lot, and smoked pot. But I now know how important it all was to making us better rounded people, and learn how to get along with everyone and make good clear decisions based on common sense,and being careful to choose good friends with values. It all might sound corny but it was true for me.

  11. 9:57AM

    I agree. Having to deal with the stuck up kids that thought they were better than everyone else, because they had everything given to them, helped make me a better person.

  12. Well not true in my case....graduated and never went back haven't missed a thing don't even think back to it, don't even do the reunion stuff. Happier with friends and relationships I've gotten long after school.

  13. College, I missed (didn't hate it either). High school, hated and didn't miss when I left.


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