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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

DE BLASIO: Drunk driving, grand larceny 'very minor offense' for illegals


  1. ok where is the outrage from MADD???

  2. I hope someone plows into him drunk.

  3. Actually ask offensives are for example....without a ss# you can't obtain a driver's license and all driving offenses like driving without a license they just get thrown out because it's cheaper then deportation..... Justice my u.s. Citizens justice

  4. Take a look at the names of drunk drivers that end in a fatality crash. I have noticed many are names that don't end in Smith, Jones, etc. Meaning they are not names I a familiar with. I lost a great friend a few years ago because he was driving on a road in Salisbury legally. Without warning a illegal subject crossed the line hitting a good man head on. The drunk lived and consequences were lean.

  5. Wonder how he would feel if an drunk immigrant hit and killed or seriously injured one of his own family members.

  6. A drunk driver in the country illegally ran a red light and nearly killed my husband and totaled our car. He was not held. LEOs knew him well from repeat offenses. He was not criminally or financially accountable for the damage he'd done.

  7. A one track minded mayor like most liberals.

  8. Hed change his philosophy if one of his family members gets killed or his fortune is stolen

  9. Sorry, a crime is a crime, just pack up the old lady and the kids with you and move back. You existence here is ILLEGAL in itself, and therefore a CRIME. DeBlasio can't see this, though.

  10. No problem. It's a fact that Obama's SS# is of a dead man from the Boston area. Proven fact!


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