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Monday, January 09, 2017

Cybersecurity LEGEND McAfee: ‘Russian Hack’ Is NOT TRUE!

John McAfee Talks About ‘Russian Hack’
One of the most brilliant cyber-security experts has come forward to give his thoughts on the supposed Russian hack of the U.S. election.
I will be on @RT_America today at 8pm ET. I'll drop a bombshell on today's US intelligence claims. @realDonaldTrump I hope you're listening.
From RT:

The sloppiness of the alleged DNC hack by itself proves it was not organized by a nation state, and the “utter nonsense” presented as proof of Moscow’s involvement is rather evidence of intelligence agencies being “ignorant and naïve,” John McAfee told RT.



  1. It's difficult to hack someone but by no means impossible. It doesn't take an a computer professional to process data and trace IP addresses. You put information online, its traceable regardless of what some may think.

  2. It's all a ruse.

  3. He's going to be on Russian TV? How fitting!


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