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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Child Abuse?


  1. Poor kids and poor father of thet man.

  2. Kids will end up in therapy and I hope it works for them. The one on the right looks like he already knows he needs a way out of this mess.

  3. Very sad to see such sickness among us.

  4. Bunch of classless people. Hope this pick does not show up in the kids yearbooks in high school.

  5. He probably has one - sick sob

  6. That is no man. His wife keeps what's left of his testicles in a tiny box. The children don't stand a chance.

  7. Now THAT "person" needs to read that book "How to be a Dad!"

  8. That picture should be used for his obituary someday, if he is so committed to the cause. Maybe it will make his family proud. What a freakin moron. His son's facial expression says it all.

  9. No real man would ever subject himself to dressing in such a degrading manner.

  10. Selfish, self-centered, uninformed,brainwashed loser.
    His father-in-law should be waiting for him to bring those children home and when he gets there, feed the kids dinner and tuck them in tightly.
    Then grab him by his vagina (yeah, he definitely has one), run him out back, and beat his ace bloody.
    Oh? That would be wrong??
    But doing this to those kids wasn't???
    I wonder how many little girls have had to endure playground assaults and bullying because little boys keep hearing this phrase (from LIBERALS!!) and don't understand nuance and dual meanings.
    Thanks, you bozo's.

  11. Child services should take the sobs poor kids!

  12. Pretty safe to say this person never attended SEAL training.

  13. Those kids have got to live with that picture, they will be bullied and made fun of for years to come. That father will be responsible if those kids mental health issues.

  14. If the kids get mental health issues, it will be because it is inherited.

  15. Is that supposed to be funny or what?

  16. It's a sad state that we live in that a parent today would hold a sign like that with his children by his side. Shame on him.

  17. He probably really has one

  18. Phil Donohue had a man on years ago that said you should have to have a license to have children. These kind of people don't deserve to have children. So many that can't have and would love to have.

  19. Very disgustin!! Poor children, should be a way to remove those adorable kids from this sicko


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