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Friday, January 06, 2017

Chicago Police Downplays Torture: Kids Make "Stupid Decisions"

Politically corrupt department withers under pressure

Chicago police have come under fire for their handling of what seems to be an obvious hate crime and possible case of domestic terrorism.

Following the arrests of four black suspects involved in livestreaming their physical abuse, knifing and persecution of a disabled young white man, Chicago police held a press conference in which they gave lukewarm, politically correct answers to questions from reporters regarding evidence already available in widely distributed videos.

“Kids make stupid decisions – I shouldn’t call them kids, they’re legally adults, but they’re young adults and they make stupid decisions,” responded CPD Commander Kevin Duffin when asked if perpetrators in the video shouting, “F**k white people. F**k Donald Trump,” at their victim was sufficient indication that a hate crime had taken place.



  1. If it was 4 whites and on a black person doing exactly the same thing they would have them looking at a death penalty like Dylan Roof.

  2. Ya know, I made a slew of mistakes when young, but they never included anything even remotely related to kidnapping, torture, and racist hate crime. Just sayin'. Come on, you know the "news" jackals would be all over this if the skin color were reversed. These asshats did it on Facebook live (knew that format would be a circus), complete with racist, deplorable comments and people have to consider IF it's a hate crime?! Wow.

  3. Rahm Emanuel needs to go. Only then, Chicago can start to grow out of the ghetto.

  4. Chicago Police oversee Democratic tolerance of crime. It's what keep their politicians in office. Even the Obama family doesn't see a return to Chicago to be a good family choice.

  5. Makes you wonder what goes on that the general public is unaware of if this is just "kids being kids."

  6. Now you know EXACTLY why they have the highest murder/crime rate in the Country/world even!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If it was 4 whites and on a black person doing exactly the same thing they would have them looking at a death penalty like Dylan Roof.

    January 6, 2017 at 6:38 PM

    well it's not so let's stay on point okay?

  8. Charlie Manson made stupid decisions.

  9. Everybody who commits a crime makes a stupid decision that leads to the crime.

  10. Stealing something is a bad decision. Torturing a disabled man for 48 hours is sick and inexcusable. Imagine if that has been a black kid and 3 white people doing that.


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