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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Check Out What Melania Is Doing To The White House- Michelle Will Be LIVID

Every FLOTUS wants to make the White House her own and Melania is planning to do just that, and this is 100% what you would expect from her.

Kinda makes me want to visit the White House, actually.

After Donald Trump secured the presidency, election designers decided to wage war Melania Trump, saying they will refuse to work with the future first lady because of her husband’s politics. Now, Melania is letting it be known that she intends to continue looking great—with our without their help.

According to reports from Melania’s makeup artist Nicole Bryl, the First Lady will introduce a ‘glam room’ to the White House.

“There will absolutely be a room designated for hair, makeup and wardrobe,” Bryl told Stylish. “Melania wants a room with the most perfect lighting scenario, which will make our jobs as a creative team that much more efficient, since great lighting can make or break any look.”



  1. I am very glad the Trumps are moving in the White house. But an hour and a half to do her makeup? Seems a little out there.

    1. I'm ok with it. Have you ever seen her? Omg. My First Lady is a super model. Hard to top that. Making America great again.

    2. Hour and half?! Shocker you lied. Must be a liberal. Btw The women is stunning and classy. Also speaks 5 languages. finally the White House will have respect again.

    3. 9:45, it said in the article each makeup session takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. Sorry I was 15 minutes off. I agree, she is stunning and classy, too! Quite a change from Michelle. But if it takes that long for makeup, it makes me curious as to what she looks like with no makeup at all. Lol. The Trump train is almost here! Choo-choo!!!

  2. Love this. Go Melania, you are the woman...

  3. She looks allot better then the "it" that lives there now.

  4. Replace Churchills bust

  5. It takes time to be beautiful.

  6. 904 First of all your lying you voted for crooked Clinton. Secondly google how long it takes for the average women to get ready!! Fact check before being liberal

    1. 9:50 PM, fact check, yourself! It says that in the article that I am wondering if you read?! And I am not a liberal and for darn sure did NOT vote for Hillary Clinton! LOL!

  7. Just remember when you feel a little chill down your back that somehow this cannot be right.....you voted for this man to make everyone count. I'm sure all the women working at Perdue do the same thing every day.

  8. How strange that there is damn near nothing mentioned in the media about the beauty and class that is entering the White House this weekend.
    Not since Jackie graced Penn. Ave has a First Lady brought such glamor to that address.

  9. I'm just thrilled she is there. Although it is doubtful she needs and makeup or whatever, it is good with me.Enjoy!

  10. It will be great to have a woman serving as the First Lady again.

  11. We had eight years of constantly hearing "how great her arms look" when Mrs. Obama wore a sleeveless dress.
    Finally, we have the whole package now with Mrs. Trump.

  12. According to your logic, an accomplished self made woman who is the perfect story of rags to riches was terrible. But the chick who rose to fame showing her assets in magazines and hooking up with an old rich guy is the picture of class. Too funny.

  13. michelle can bench press 280

  14. It took at least a couple of hours for Hillary's makeup and hair crew to get her looking even halfway presentable during her campaign. It's not an easy task to cover up seventy years of wrinkles, alcoholic eye bags, frown lines and sagging jowls, let alone to put color in that so very unhealthy looking complexion. Sometimes the task was so daunting that the body double had to be brought out.

  15. So nice to see a human woman now in the whitehouse.

  16. Michelle Obama could care less. She will always be well respected and a classy First Lady no matter who comes after her.

  17. Melania doesn't need it. She's beautiful inside and out already. A big change compared to the last eight years!

  18. Melania is beautiful inside and out. A very elegant and intelligent lady.

  19. 6:22
    You sound rather knowledgeable, but are not mentioning the classy lady is fluent in many languages, that itself makes her educated. Oh, I doubt you will ever hear her say now that Donald is the president she can for the first time be proud of America. Don't just bull sheet and lie, my first lady has more class than your first whatever.

    I also am proud of Laura Bush, having been a sweet, beautiful, classy lady to hold up in the White House with "W". Secret service gave her high praise compared to the one that just flew away on our chopper along with the fat lazy first whatever that Trump slaughter trying to get her bad self back in our White House to suck off the government trough again. Happy Hew Year!!

  20. 10:41 am, I just spit my coffee out laughing. Melania's face is pulled so tight she can barely close her eyes. She's a high priced receiver of whatever Trump gives. Get out of here. I would love for all of his supporters to make themselves in her image. It would be wonderful. Do you have your bikini and fur coat picture ready to share with the world. Oh my gosh, I seriously can't stop laughing.

  21. My wife takes longer than that, but she calls it "5 minutes"! LOL!


  22. The one who'll really be miffed is Obama. He spent hours gazing at his own image and now to find out that better lighting will be installed will break his heart!


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