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Friday, January 06, 2017

Breaking: Feds Announce Takeover of US Electoral Process

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson designates elections ‘Critical Infrastructure’

US election systems will henceforth be treated as “critical infrastructure,” the Department of Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson decreed Friday in a move some are describing as a major federal overreach.

In a letter to the Associated Press, Johnson revealed the US government would monitor and intervene in future elections, a process previously handled on a state-by-state basis.

“Given the vital role elections play in this country, it is clear that certain systems and assets of election infrastructure meet the definition of critical infrastructure, in fact and in law,” Johnson stated. “Particularly in these times, this designation is simply the right and obvious thing to do.”



  1. I'm with the no effing way crowd here. Elections are run by the States. See Amendment Ten.

  2. I have to wonder: if the Democrats had won the presidential election, would this be going on? Probably not. I really feel this is more of the whole look over there/ Russia diversionary tactic. My vote certainly wasn't swayed by Russia, LOL!

  3. This is just one more way the Libs will try to control our election system. You won't get away with these underhanded tricks. Conservatives are watching!!!!!!!

  4. This can't be good. We have a new president that can fix it.

  5. Some fishy going on?. Dont put it past the back stabbing globalist HELL BENT on regaining powerm

  6. Violation of the Bill of Rights. (Tenth, I believe) This is only so the crooked feds can control the outcomes.

  7. They want to make sure democrats win her on out!

  8. Dont these people ever learn.The more they try to take control of things the more it backfires on them.Dumasses

  9. There is no evidence whatsover that a single voting machine was hacked. NO evidence at all that the Russians altered one vote or ballot.
    What they probably did was hack the emails of the democrats and exposed their lying, coniving, deceptive, two-faced, "two policies" backroom ethics.
    With that said, how do the Nazi's in Homeland Security plan to maintain THIS "infrastructure"? How do they plan to make sure no one has their real motives and racist agendas exposed??
    By working with total disregard for the First Amendment. They'll HAVE to have authority over all electronic communications, with the naturally occuring new rules and regulations --- and of course, strict penalties and fines.
    Can you feel the noose tightening yet?
    Keep cheering....


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