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Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Bill, Hillary Clinton and George, Laura Bush to attend Trump inauguration

Former president George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush announced Tuesday that they would attend Donald Trump's inauguration later this month. And Trump's former rival, Hillary Clinton, and former president Bill Clinton also will attend the ceremony, according to their spokesmen.

The announcements add to what had been a thin list of former presidents slated to attend the event. Former president Jimmy Carter was the only other living president who had agreed to be present.

“They are pleased to be able to witness the peaceful transfer of power — a hallmark of American democracy — and swearing-in of President Trump and Vice President Pence,” the Bush office said in a statement.



  1. I am Sure they will enjoy the Lovely event ( Not)

    Would like to be the fly on the wall, (or on her phone)
    to see what they really think and say !!!

    Guess she can Dream that it is her being inaugerated ,
    but (it ain't gunna happen!! ever )

  2. She will Spit some nails
    Send more messages to her Private servers (still in use)

  3. Who invited this bunch of trash?

  4. I had hoped to watch it, but not sure now with that nasty fat loser in attendance. Trump should have security remove that trash or throw it in the cheap seats out of view. What a great nation to come forth and elect Mr.T. Trump/Pence 2020!!!

  5. I'm not sure why anyone thought they would NOT attend. It was just a bunch of fodder and speculation in the press.

  6. Maybe she will get LOCKED UP at the event
    Perfect Timing !!! Lock Her up Lock her up !!!!

  7. Bet Huma won't be with her !!!

  8. Notice the purple on Hillary and on Bill. A recent picture of Merkle in Germany shows the same purple color.
    I think it is the color of the new world order government they are trying to establish.

  9. Better check Hillary with a metal detector.

  10. The only Bill and Hillary are attending is to gain favor with Trump in hopes he won,t have them put in jail. Total slime balls.

  11. Who wants to take a bet on her and Bill both wearing purple?


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