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Friday, January 20, 2017

Bikers for Trump rider: 'Absolutely' ready for physical confrontation

WASHINGTON (WUSA9) - Trump supporting motorcyclists say they are streaming into Washington to “protect” the public and first responders from anti-Trump protestors.

Bikers for Trump is here to protect the citizens,” said rider Mark Connors, a country singer who rode his Harley Davidson from San Diego, CA.

Connors said Bikers for Trump riders will not seek confrontations but he is “absolutely” prepared for physical conflicts.

“We have made the decision that when those people come, we are going to stand face-to-face with them, eye-to-eye, toe-to-toe, shoulder-to-shoulder with my brothers,” Connors said.



  1. Judging by those in the photo, all they appear "ready" for is doughnuts and a nap,

  2. Kick some liberal butt boys.

  3. @9:47--why don't you save your comments for someone who cares, at least they are there to protect, where are you--in mommy's basement??? It's time to get off your a** and get a job!!!

    1. 10:37 obviously YOU care or you wouldn't have responded. Just because someone points out a bunch of old overweight "bikers", doesn't mean they did or didn't vote in agreement with you. No matter who was elected, these same weeken "warriors" would still be old and fat. Except no one would care. Except you of course. And there's no way they could protect anything. Did you not look at the photo?? Lol

    2. 11:27. Nailed it. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  4. we don't need any brown shirts behind Trump


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