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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Berlin Looks To Address New Year’s Eve Concerns

BERLIN – Berlin’s mayor has asked town staff to work with police to find ways to increase security at the next New Year’s Eve celebration.

The directive came after Councilman Thom Gulyas said he was approached by several residents who were concerned about the littering, public urination and other problems that occurred at the recent event.

“I do think we need to figure out a strategy that addresses the issue,” Mayor Gee Williams said.

Gulyas brought up the subject of New Year’s Eve Monday when the council was asked to approve the town’s list of annual events that would include alcohol. One of those was the New Year’s Eve ball drop.



  1. Security?!?! Sounds like you need a new mayor, some trash cans and port-a-potties.

  2. Go ahead with the standard game plan --- whip up lots of fear where no fear exists or needs to be addressed.
    Then, start the "security" machine up --- metal detectors, dogs, undercover Gestapo, swarms of police, pat-downs, searches, surveillance, limits on carrying any bags, did I mention fear?
    No terrorist is going to blow something up in Salsibury, Berlin, Selbyville, or the local courthouse. Their buddies would laugh them off the earth. You blew up a stage in where??? Berlin??? Germany?? Fantastic! Wait. What? Berlin MARYLAND?? LOL!!!!
    But don't let that slow down the fearmongering.
    Its the best way to get lemmings to agree to complete and total domination and surveillance. Talk about "strategy" and "threats" to spice up
    Let the fear begin!!! Park a SWAT vehicle right in the middle of town and stock it with short fat guys who couldn't run a 100 yards and put 'em in full military gear. Give 'em an assault rifle with 10 extra mags and a bunch of trinkets to hook to that camo gear. Have them beat up a couple of citizens who dare to laugh at the display. THAT will establish some fear.
    Keep cheering.

  3. It is a redneck town with a redneck NYE party. That types of stuff happens when rednecks get drunk.

  4. Cut out the alcohol in the streets.
    Get a new mayor.
    These two items would get going in a more favorable direction.

  5. @ 12:00pm -did you even read the post? It didn't say anything about fear of terrorism. It is talking about security to keep people from breaking the law in regards to littering and public urination. The only fear monger here is you

  6. There were hardly any trash cans and the 3 port-a-poties on the far end of the event. Once the street did fill up neither were possible to get to.


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